Not the singer (remember, "Hai, nama saya Rain"?). Saya rindukan hujan sebab saya suka cuaca dingin. It rained Sunday and Monday, and semalam dah start ada matahari, and today, sangat terik! To be fair, baguslah ada matahari ni utk kawasan2 yg sedang banjir (my heart and doa goes out to you), tapi untuk household yang bil letrik menyinga saban bulan, I want the rain to stop us from using aircond. Valid tak?
Ok, sepatutnya today can do some kerja mengecat for our gate. But padan muka we ols, coz our fav hardware store is closed early for the CNY big dinner tonite. No paint, no paint lah like dat.
Yes, yes this is just ramblings. It's just too hot to think of anything worthy to write. I better stop now.
a good age
2 years ago
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