Haihhh... It's not our first encounter with HFM but it's back, secara tiba2. Kena kat Ulfa, my tiniest child. We noticed how she couldn't eat, "sakit mulut" katanya. Check punya check, ulcers on her lelangit and under her tongue, huge ones too. My poor kid. Checked her palms and feet, small red spots ada dua tiga like dat. We kinda know those are simptoms of HFM, cuma Ulfa tak demam jek. So we went to see Dr Lai, our family paed and she said it's mild HFM but tetap kena kuarantin. But how lar to kuarantin from Umaira and Umar? Kira kakak and adik kena layan je lah, and we pray that their antibodies are stronger. So now, Ulfa is the cuti2 Malaysia at home with big (little) brother. She is bored to her skull!
Masa kat Dr Lai tu, baru teringat yang Umar has been vomitting tengah2 malam for a few nights straight. Teruslah mintak dia check, without his card la kan. So dia dapatlah ubat angin, kot2 dia memang angin, takleh kentut punya kes so sudah push out his milk bagai. Belakang kat botol ubat kaler oren tu ada lah bracket baik punya (abang). Heh?? Confirm assistants kat situ ingat Umar abang sebab he is 19.5kg, and Ulfa is only at 16kg. Sabar je lah.
a good age
2 years ago
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