Al-Fatihah to Uncle Alias

...amin. He's tok baba's second cousin macam tu lah. But we are close, kalau sekali sekala pegi Rasta mesti nampak uncle kat situ, dok manage his staff at his favourite coffee station. Kopi apa you nak, from Taiping, Terengganu, Johor? U name it. He has it. And we learned to eat roti steam from his place tu. Mengejutkan, he passed away last nite. Katanya he went for a check up, tapi ntah macam mana, meninggal dunia. Didnt get the full story. But nevertheless, I am really sad. Sian kat aunty Jihan. It must be so hard on her, she looked so dazed. And what breaks my heart is the fact Uncle tak sempat tengok rupa cucu sulung dia. Nampak his menantu tengah sarat mengandung. :(

Orang kata, tak elok bawa budak kecik pergi rumah orang meninggal, but I did just now. It felt okay. We didnt stay long though. But the girls saw me crying. The girls saw the body. Ulfa asked: "Dia (arwah) takde muka ke?" Jenazah dah dikapan masa tu, thus no face. I had to explain to her la sehalus mungkin. But what surprised me was Umaira cakap, hidung orang dah mati kena tutup dengan benda putih (must be kapas), like she understand. Pegghh...Mesti sbb tengok tv. And tetiba kami tiga beranak terus berpelukan. It's just so heartbreaking. Losing someone you love. Can't imagine if I were to lose any of them. Dahlah, taknak cakap. Sedih.


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