Like finally!! And why we bleughh report card day.

Yes yes. Been wanting to write but after getting to officially work on the acting post i feel super guilty opening non-work-related sites at the office. Am i turning to be a boring person? Am i going to be bla bla bla? Okay silalah tampar sekarang!

Work wise, suma okay. New office pun menariks. Got to get use to lantai simen yg nmpak pftth skit. And new neighbours too...

Got another report card day soon. Ulfa punya sabtu ni. And rasanya kalau her teacher pun ckp the same thing - ur dotter is very quiet, i got to consider some bravery class lah. Maybe drama or dancing? Ke tu pun nanti buat drama mute gak?

Ari tu mcm tu la for umaira. Taknak angkat tangan tu okay lagi. Biasalah takut tersalah jawab tpi nak minta izin gi toilet pun cikgu kena tanya a few times, agak parah tak?

Klakornya ada org ckp maybe my girls ikut their daddy, jenis diam (wooohhh nak ckp aku ni byk ckplah!). Mmg klakar sbb when she said it daddy was on his way to do coverage for PM. Takkan nak tanya soklan kat PM pun memalu dak? He may look ehem "calmer" but he's definitely not shy.

So what do i do for my girls ni? We know umar is the berani one. Tpi hat tu ckp plak tak dgr butir ie pelat lagi. Eheheheh mcm mcm. Kesimpulannya, no child is sempurna. Tpi kat mata kita and mmg dpn mata kita pun depa show off their perfection. Kat org lain tak. Xnak riak kot mwahahahah.... Ntah apa apa...

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Kerra-zzy Week Part 2

Yes yes, it's still crazy. And I think things will get crazier come Monday (tinggal beberapa jam lagi) coz we're moving office at the end of the week. At the same time, I got to plan a farewell for the Editor. At the same time, plan and help with two photo shoots. At the same time, have to make sure we pack everything in the store and library. Die! Eh, tak. Fengsan!
I had a big presentation last week, I kinda know I would be the one presenting tapi the actual arahan came three days before the actual presentation day so yeah. Layan je lah. For as long as the bosses tak tanya soklan takleh jawab I am fine. And I already told one of them, if they scold me for things I dont understand, I quit! As acting editor lah bukan as pekerja hehehehe... Kelakar tak buat meeting dengan kehilangan dinding kaca but the pintu masih intact. Yang lebih kelakar, ada plak Hamba Allah yang siap ketuk and masuk ikut pintu tu, padahal kiri kanan pintu tu adalah bekas terletaknya dinding kaca. The dinding kaca dah lama takdo sebab dah diangkut ke opis baru. wahahahahah...funny.
Semalam, I took the kids to Alyssa's birthday party at KFC Tmn Tun. Gila sejuk tempat tu! Note to self: kalau ada lagi invites there, the kids are wearing super tebal clothes. Ulfa yang beria2 nak main statue dance terketar2 kesejukan. Sampai kira out sebab she was shivering so bad, macam nampak dia bergerak. Chis. Yang penting tetap dapat hadiah. And the party coordinator was really really good. He wasn't shy about making a fool of himself. Dia ngajar bebudak the Nobody dance kalah Wonder Girls I tell you.
Yang kelakarnya plak (ada gak part kelakar), Umaira became super shy bila nampak her schoolmates datang - the boys. Jenis shy yang sorok belakang kita. Dia punya nyorok and menyondol kat ketiak Daddy (nasib baik takde BO hehehe), jenis rasa nak penampor. Over betul malunya! I almost wanted to call it a day but seeing how much fun Ulfa and Umar were having there, kesian la plak nak ajak balik. Tapi bila keluar maskot ayam beso tu bagi hadiah, laju plak Umaira pi beratur. Macam, macam...
Lepas party, rasa macam masih awal. Coz Daddy keje malam so malaslah nak balik rumah melangut plak. So we went to The Curve. Yup, just me and the kids. Syukur sesangat dapat anak2 jenis dengar cakap ie tak reti nak merewang sendiri2, kalau tak jenuhla nak concierge buat announcements asal anak ilang mesti bin/binti ajis ngah hehehehe. Gila ramai manusia kat situ semalam, maybe because there was a concert right at the doorstep of e@Curve. And menonongla kami 4 beranak masuk situ and bought Daddy his father's day watch. Dah dua tiga ari ni asyik ngadu jam rosaklah, abis bateri lah (malas nak tukau, gediks), tali tercabut lah...hamik ko beli jam baru. Yang penting, beli jam yang uniseks. If I feel bosan with the watches that I have, you dont bising2 I take yours aaa Daddy. What's yours is mine, what's mine you cannot wear pun heheheheee...
So today, selesailah sambutan Hari Bapa yang tak seberapa. Yang penting bertogether-gether ye tak? Sempatlah juga selit sesi bawa anak pi casting. Ulfa got offered a job for this kill-nyamuk ad so sajalah pi try out. It's our first time actually. Didn't even know we have an agent for this.
Ekceli mcm ni. Few years back this talent scout approached us, asked us to bring the kids for casting mcm tu lah. So we went for the fun of it. Took photos of the kids suma. Dah register bagai tup2 agent tu mintak duit plak. Uik? Ko offer aku then aku plak nak kena bayor? I do this for fun jek, pasal pa ko minta duit plak? Memang sorry naik lorry. I didnt pay lah so I thought that was the end of it.
Tup2 semalam she texted me, cakap Ulfa is asked to try-out. Siap pesan, jangan letak my number but put hers. But she didn;t say cannot put my husband's number right? *wink* Since we had available time (padahal no fixed plan for today pun), pergilah kat Solaris ittew. The thing is, there were no solid information on the audition, memang pergi membuta tuli.
What they had to do: Say their name, age, show some expressions - smile, mad, cry, happy. Then Ulfa had to say a line to a doll. And the line was looooong considering her age and she wasn't familiar with it pun. Dah makcik sudah kaku membeku depan kamera. And with that, we were asked to leave. Ler! Ko ingat budak kecik macam tu reti nak terus berlakon bagai? Next time, why dont you prewarn us on what to prepare, kalau ada skrip bagi la awal2 so that I can help her memorise. Ni tak. I think la kan, this people all got calon already, but they saja audition many many coz want to show client they're doing their job. Ye lah, buat tu suma mesti dia dah charge kat client ye tak?
Overall, interesting experience. I am not getting hopes high on this but saja cuba2. Yang penting, anak I tetap kiut di mata I wahahahaha...haruslah kan.
Oklah mau titon, dah bersiap sedia utk minggu baru nan mencabar. Miss me kalu, drop me a line in the comment box ya. Dont worry, saya tak makan orang. Cheers!

Kerr-azzy kerr-azzy week!

No update doesnt mean I stopped blogging. I miss this place. But I got caught up with work and I got caught up with my new toy (grin, thank you Suami!). And I got caught up with taking care of the new toy, no thanks to my kids. Especially the youngest yang pantang nampak Mummy, datang peluk semata2 nak mintak fon. Sebut pun main sebut brand of the fon, bukan main lagik. And dah tau tekan butang mana nak gi kat Angry Birds settings. Ya, kids nowadays. Y kena jaga sangat? Apa taknya! The new casing I first bought for the fon dah rupa macam belacan after one week ya. Kalau tengok memang rasa macam takde perasaan baru pun. Budak-budak, bukan dia tahu nilai barang kan...
And I also got super caught up (with love) with the photo tools. I love taking photos with Instagram and LemeLeme, it's crazy. And sebab memang jenis perasan, I must say they look gooooood.... Perasannya!
And I got "caught" with something important at work. Something I didn't expect but somehow I am handling this as it comes. Kira, come what may, layan je lah... But I realize my nights these week has been quite sleepless. Memang saiko la jugak. And this time next month, it's just us without our Mummy. Oh no! And kenalah play the Mummy role at home and at work, until they find us a new Mummy. I hope soon! Coz saya rindu menulis...

From wherever with love...

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