Manual Darjah Satu

Tak kuasa kot nak buat manual hahaha! Sebab utama, it's already the 5th day of school. The thrill to actually share what happened on their first day, is now not as exciting. Not an excuse, but I have been busy this new year (BTW, happy new year!!!). Setel jek first day of school, dah kena back to back photo shoots yang agak gila. Bila dapat duduk kat ofis ada plak yang meroyan minta itu ini. Then masuk studio balik. Gitulah. Orang lain baru nak panaskan enjin for the new year, I am thinking April Fool now u know! Yes, that's the job prescription.
N'ways, I still need to do this for the kids. Here goes...

Ya kengkawan. Ingat tak waktu2 di mana you can actually bangun awal and tidur balik before getting ready to work? Say goodbye to that once you have kids schooling in formal school ya. The Azis-Anida household is up and about by 6.15am, exactly one hour before Datin Ding of Umaira's school starts reprimanding late comers. Time tujuh suku to tujuh setengah (saja nak ngeja) adalah time utk baca story book. Zaman Mummy dulu, mana leh bawak buku cerita gi skolah (nak kalu, seludup ley) rupa2nya sekarang they legalize that. Chis! Tapi tak sure plak budak darjah satu leh bawak story book menda, bawak buku princess kang! Pic above, bukti matahari belum terbit when we were about to leave to school. Semangat abis! (but yeah, Mummy's a little kiasu ahaks!)

Eh lupa, before that, acara Daddy pakaikan kasut sekolah anak. Olololoooo...Daddy ni sangat lemah lutut bab anak. Mummy dah bersemangat abis nak tinggal anak kat gate, sebab Umaira pun on jek nak walk to her class on her own. But Daddy tak bagiiiiiii... Selagi Datin Ding kata parents can enter school premise in the first week of school (applies to Primary One only), itulah kata2 yang dia pegang. Daddy, daddy...

Here we are, in school. It was about 7.05am. Still early (gila awallah!). Lepak dulu bagi nyamuk2 kebulur kat kawasan sekolah tu plenty of food for the new year. heheheheh...

Krrrrriiinnggg! Kenalah mula beratur. Didn't see any of her classmates so terpaksalah (terpaksa ke?) beratur depan. Yes Umaira, ke-kiasu-an Mummy gave you a chance to stand infront. Duduk depan best, leh dengar segala. Percayalah...

The standard one kids kena "tahan" dulu coz the teacher has special announcements for them, how to tie hair, when to wear the tie (eh?), name tag... Bab ni Mummy ada skiiiit bengang. During orientation, we asked one of the teachers, is it necessary to buy a tie, kena pakai hari2 ke? Dia cakap, tak yah beli pun takpe. So we opted for not buying lah. Anywhere we can save, we try to lah kan. Belakang, during assembly, taklimat di atas memberitahu, they have to wear the tie for assemblies. Chit! Nasib baik we didn't have to que at the book shop (gila panjang kena beratur) sebab cikgu kelas ada stock ngan dia. Bagus!

Bila Umaira dah nyaris nak abis assembly pertama dia, we rushed back to get Ulfa to school. Sian anak Mummy yang ni, memang second child syndrome yang tak dapat dielakkan. We fussed so much for Umaira's first day of kindy, but Ulfa telah disiapkan oleh Bibik. Mummy tinggal tie her hair saja. Tapi Ulfa ni lain skit, she will tell you what kind of hair style she wants, and everyday, it varies. Layan je lah...

I think they repainted the school, coz it looks more ceria somehow. Memula tu memang terkantat2 juga cari nama Ulfa, they put stickers with the kids' names on it, so tau la nak letak kasut kat mana. Rupa-rupanya...

Macam mana tak kompius! Yes it is still (almost) her name but we jarang use Khadeja. Dah la salah spelling. What lah you teacher..?

Interestingly, Ulfa's, I mean Khadeja's class is upstairs. Opposite Umaira's old class. Past two years, the K2 kids saja kelas kat atas. And paling bagus, kelas Ulfa ada 10 budak jek. Leh teacher concentrate on them. And Ulfa, dapat Teacher Zhana, as she "requested" before school started.

Ulfa ready to be a big girl! Next to her is Shakirah. Ya, I tot she's Chinese too sebab putih melepak! I have yet to see this Abdul Ghafur boy Ulfa's been mentioning. Mention bukan sebab berkenan, tapi sebab budak tu besau. hehehe...

Bila tengok Ulfa macam okay jek, terus rush back to Umaira's school. Nasib baik BSD ni is just one big circle so senanglah nak ulang alik. Masa ni, Umaira had to sit next to a boy. Muncung je mulut coz she said she only make friends with girls. Ewah... Darling, must make friends with everybody u know....

Second bell of the day, recess time! Baru perasan Rania is in her class. I have seen her name on orientation day, tapi tak sure plak yang mana satu. I thought she is Alisya. Rania is actually Umaira's Krista classmate masa they were 4 years old. The first week of school (then), dedua ni lah kaki meraung sesama. Tak sangka plak dah jadi classmates for formal school. Cute!

Joined by Alia Alyssa (van-mate Umaira, also ex Krista), from kelas 1 Murni. Tengoklah mak pak yang sakan nak make sure anak2 makan. Aunty Zieda siap make sure dedua baca doa makan dulu. Yang syioknya dia kata, doa sebelum makan bolehlah ajar, hat lain kena belajar ngn ustazah. Sabar je lah kan!
So far, Umaira bawak bekal dari rumah. So there's no need for any pocket money for now. Mummy Daddy dah ushar food kat kantin tu, memang takde sesuatu yang Umaira akan berkenan. Takat nak beli nugget tiga ketul RM1, suh je lah Bibik goreng jumlah sesuka atimu!

Dah habis waktu rehat, kenalah beratur balik. Yang pegang pembesar suara tu was one of the Ustazahs. Belum apa2 dah ada budak tercicir wallet. Darjah satu pun dah bawak wallet u ols! Mummy dulu taruk dalam kocek pinafore jek. Tapi dulu duit syiling jek la kan, sekarang dengarnya mak pak bagi sampai RM5 pun ada. Peggghh... We went to see what kind of food they were selling. Don't think Umaira would enjoy nasi lemak with sambal tuang on the nasi, or any of laksa or mi kari. Ada juga depa jual kek yang dah siap potong, hat tu murah - 40 sen sepotong. Tapi potongannya ala ala "tiny, tiny, tiny!!" dalam cerita Confession of a Shopaholic tu.
And pantang betul tengok keropok lekor kaler cerah jual harga mahal. Dah kahwin orang Tganu, dah tahu sangat kualiti kopok lekor yang mantap kenalah warna gelap skit, menandakan isi ikan dia tak kedekut. Gelap itu menawan, macam Daddy heheheh...

Masa ni, the tears finally fell. Mummy dah agak leh terima hakikat (not fully, but bolehlah...) yang Umaira is growing up (fast) with going to Year One sebagai permulaannya. Ingat dah takleh nangis dah, tup tup masa tengah beratur ni ternampak this little lady, she must be in Year Two or Three. Adik lelaki dia dok pegang siku kakak while the kakak bawak adik untuk beratur. kiut!!! Awak tu dah ler kanak-kanak, tapi dah kena jadi kakak and budak besau. Nasib baik masa tu pakai spek itam, takleh la nampak mata dah merah macam vampire huhuhuhuuuu...

Setel recess Umaira, we went home to pick up Umar the yoboy. Dah terperuk dalam rumah, kesian la plak. Nampak dia a little lonely, selalunya ada Ulfa buat kawan bergaduh. Hamik ko, dedua kakak pi sekolah. Patah balik ke Krista sebab nak tengok Ulfa balik dengan van. Sementara nunggu, sempatlah Umar terrorize the playground dan buat aksi super gedik seperti terbukti di atas. gediks! Bila Ulfa dah nampak Mummy Daddy ada, sorrylah nak naik van kan. Bergenang ayaq mata nak balik ngan kami. Takpelah anak, esok masih ada and memang takde choice pun, kena balik dgn van. Mummy and Daddy cuti sehari jek.
We paid the van, gila mahal k! For just a short distance: both girls are travelling one way with the van. Umaira kena RM80 and Ulfa RM60. Gulp!
Susah susah esok, Mummy berenti keje amik upah bawak budak pergi balik skolah je lah. Bukannya kena amik lesen pun kalau sendirian berhad gitu dok? Duit bersih gitu...

Sampai2 rumah Ulfa terus minta susu and sempat pengsan kejap sementara tunggu kakak balik. Mummy Daddy patah balik to the school, nak tengok Umaira naik van plak. We made sure she knows where to wait, and who are her van mates etc. Nasib baik our van driver memang jenis efficient and akan tunggu kat the promised spot, making sure all the kids under her are there then jalan sesama pi van. Seriau lah kalau kena tunggu luar kawasan sekolah, it's the main road and there's lots of cars. Better wait in the school premise. And another good tip: Make sure the school security guard pun kenal you.
Suami saya memang super friendly, dan kebetulan guards sekolah Umaira are this two old ladies yang sangat garang, baguihlah garang pun. One thing people sometimes take for granted about these ladies is the fact that they're human too. Tegur dan bagi salam lah kat depa ni sama, gerenti depa akan ingat you. Umaira pun dah diingatkan suh selalu bagi salam kat the two nenek gagah. Leh jugak nenek2 tu tengok2kan anak kita...

Pic atas, bila dedua beradik yang berpisah separuh hari berjumpa, macam berpisah seminggu tau! Depa memang super close and I think Ulfa ingat dia satu sekolah ngn kakak. Tu sebab ada sikit "amukan" bila nak ke sekolah dua tiga hari lepas tu. Part of growing up sayang, not that I like it that you both are "separated". Soon, you will be in the same school! Yey! Then leh kakak pimpin adik pergi kelas bagai. Huhuhuuuu...

Nampak tak perjalanan ulang alik for the two first timers to school? It was crazy but it was also most satisfying! Paling puas hati si Daddy lah, lepas lunch jek terus pengsan tiga jam. Macam dia plak yang pergi sekolah. Over betul!!!!


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