This Time 8 Years Ago...

Haaa...Masa ni lah, Mummy Daddy did our akad nikah, at Masjid Jln Langgar, like opposite my sekolah menengah (eh, tetiba teringat, about the school I mean). So yes, Happy Anniversary to us. But this anniversary sambung sampai esok, sebab Mummy gatai nak jejugak a Wedding anniversary.

So far, takde apa2, just lepak2 at home, enjoying the superb cool weather. Memang ptg2 skit baru acara pau Daddy for something akan berlaku. See first if I find anything I like. When I passed the 5 years mark, dah tak heran sangat nak minta2 hadiah gempak ni. Dapat flowers pun dah renyih. Tapi saja test market tadi, mintak handbag, and dia leh cakap OK! Macam tak percaya plak. Huhuhuhuuu...

Reshoot gambar kahwin. Zaman ni takde digital copis. Suma dalam negatip ittew yang I seriously don't know where. So yes. Daddy nampak macam budak sekolah kena paksa kahwin wahahahaha...

Us with Sultan of Kedah, Raja Muda and Raja Puan Muda. Gila protokol for the first two hours of my wedding. Sesi bergambar ni pun banyak istiadat. One thing I truly like about Sultan Kedah is the way he ties his sampin. Gila unik. And urm, I wish somebody tolong tarikkan seluar belah kanan (kiri on pic) Raja Muda yang sangat kiut itu..hehehe..

Ni takde kena mengena dengan anniversary, but our riadah at Tmn Tun park, in heavy drizzle. Ya, I made my kids walk in the rain. Paling liat bangun si Umar lah, umpan baju Thomas baru mahu bangun, tapi end up, pakai jersey Liverpool. One of those days with lovely lovely weather. It rained thru out the day. Me likey!

Tetiba nampak playground! Memang takleh escape. Kenalah singgah kejap, and baru nak riadah sakan kat situ, hujan pun makin lebat.

Motif?? Umar ordered Daddy to take his pic ya. Apa nak dikato...?


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