That funny moment when

Ur kids r "teaching" u what the teachers taught them in school.

And all u cud say is "okkeeeeyy..."

Goes to show... Teachers rule!!

Rest in peace - Whitney Houston

My children,

If u're wondering who she is, google her and her songs. You'll soon know she was a legend with beautiful love songs ever sung. Her voice, her songs were magnificent and she is one of Mummy's favourite singers ya.

Rest in peace beautiful rose, we'll save all this love for you...

Forever Whitney!


Nak tido jek. Tido n do nothing. Let time move slow and all u want to do is sleep.

Nak citer psl kecik ati etc, rajin ke org nak dgr kan? Org pun ada masalah sendiri. Kdg2 bagus diamkan diri.

Takat kena kata depan2 muka itu ini pun nak terasa. Really? Grow up! (ckp kpd diri sendiri). Mgkin gurauan tapi the heart lambat nak paham suma tu so dia pun jadi terluka. Nak boleh buat mcm mana? Rawat je lah dendiam...

Inilah jdinya bila body kata suh nap tpi tgn gatal nak main fon. Dah pikir bebukan. Tido lagi best!

Bila datang mood...

Mmg byk alasan leh bagi for not updating. Antaranya, ngada x best naip guna smart phone sedap naip guna keyboard ketak ketuk. Tapi keyboard best kat opis and I'm only in the office during working hours and ofcoz I'm not supposed to blog about kids time bekerja. Skema gila!! So yes...

Month two for school. Umar suprised me by reading book 1a of Peter and Jane. Memang terkedu tgok dia leh baca padahal abc pun x khatam. So x perlulah belajar abc sangat kan. Ulfa product terus baca gak dulu, abc zero. Tapi seperkara lah Ulfa tu mmg jenis rajin and Alhamdulillah terang hati.

Umar ni lain skit. M not saying all boys r like dat but my boy mmg cepat bosan. His handwriting mmg cakar ayam jantan punya style. Kalau paksa2 mmg dia akan give up. So I let him be.

Ari tu drama a few days xnak pergi skolah. X lain x bkn takut dgn his teacher. Shelly mmg known psl volume and garang skit. Umar x biasa la kot dgn gaya garang teacher dia. Mummy punya garang lebij drama kot hehehe...

So gi lah skolah jumpa teacher ckp psl benda ni. Masa dlm keta, dlm sedih2 dia sempat Umar pesan "mummy ckp kat cikgu yg Umar penat". Okeyyyy... Sesampai sekolah, dpn cikgu dia n lom sempat mummy ckp he went "teacher... Umar penaaat." He shed some tears, sucked it in, wiped his face, letak his shoes kat tpt biasa and menonong masuk kelas. Aiiikkkkk?? Tadi bkn suh mummy ka habaq? Laaaaaarrr... Rupa2nya mamat nak luah perasaan kat cikgu sendiri tpi dok beraniiiii.... Lepas tu he was okay k! Drama tak?

Ada la cikgu tu komen Umar mybe stress sbb he communicates in BM dlm class and his friends speak in English. Pasai pa plak Umar nak stress? Bkn suma orang kena paham
BM gak keee?

Aaaaanyways, Umaira dah start sekolah agama petang. And the school alhamdulillah okey and what I like best is depa tak bagi hwork (mummy shuffles). Penat woooh buat bebanyak. And mmg polisi the school dowan to burden the students. Two thumbs up! And soon, insyaallah, she will start her Quran. Ada gak yg khatam Quran earlier than mummy did. (saya khatam darjah lima huhuhu)...

So yes... End Jan and early Feb marks our 9th anniversary. It has been wonderful. No doubt ada detik2 meroyan but all we want to remember are the nice ones...

Here's to more years ahead...

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