Stress dengannya. Rasa nak nangis.
As a distraction, let me update about the kids lah haaa... My boy is progressing great in achool. He reads well, even teachers have remarked that. He's got many friends and he's the only child (of mine) yang tak kena buli or pau duit. The cutest thing, at least to me it is, that he refuses to bawak selain dari duit seringgit2. Once or twice He gets RM5 seketul from Tok Baba, he will decline and asks for the blue notes. Senang, kan?
My Ulfa does me proud this year. She is number two in class for sekolah agama. Alhamdulillah. I feel she is more terang hati and senang terima ilmu, cepat serap. Like Umar, you can't teach him benda yg sama ulang2. It'd just annoy him. With Ulfa, she listens and understands fast.
Umaira is very much like me when I was younger, much younger. Ala Umar, can't teach ulang2, terus block and tak masuk kepala. And you can see her face berubah, like ada a shield just covers her face as you try again and again to make her understand. But you will be surprised when she sits with adik2 to revise their homework. She will be the one teaching them how to do and get answers.
And little Khaira is not so little anymore... Time flies and she's one year and four months today. Have yet to start walking but she sponges quirky things faaaaassstt. I taught her to make hidung busuk dua kali, terus dapat! Well, I also merepek la kan ajar benda membadutkan je...
My fifth would have been a month old right now. I miss her/him dearly...
Off to bed. Esok Friday, syukurrrr!!!
This is in our album. I suspect the little girl took this in the car. Bertuah!,