Did I mention that Umar has to diet coz he's already 15kg??? Yes, doc adviced that we control his food. I know for a fact that bibik dok feed dia susu non stop. Sebotol penuh boleh habis, and he can ask for another right after and the bibik will make him one. And second botol pun boleh habis. Mana tak bam2? And he doesnt only rely on susu ya, makan nasi tetap makan nasi woooh...He's now heavier than Ulfa, boleh? Aduuuuhhh...
School holiday is almost over. Isnin ni Umaira is going back to Krista. Ulfa belum dihantar ke sekolah, she will only start kindy when Umaira masuk darjah satu. As for Umar, until he is potty trained, then we can talk about school. As for now, kena control makan and terima gomolan mummy daddy dia sampai dia dah besar. Hehehehe...
That's Mummy's new year's resolution for the kids...