Get Dirty, Get Crafty!

Finally, I took Umaira to Get Crafty in One Utama (the one next to MPH, level two) for her to try one of the crafts in there. She loved it. Obviously she picked the princess theme, I left for an hour to get her hands dirty. But it was actually less than an hour, sebab Umar sibuk suh patah balik to GC. He can't live without his sister lah that Yoboy. (Ulfa was at the zoo with aunty Malyn at the time).
Try it out! For guests, it is RM45 per session. U get to choose which craft you want to do, the kids will get many to choose from and according to their age jugak. Kids as young as 2.5 years old can try it out. U can become members to their AAX package - 5 sessions for RM40 per session, validity 6 months. Price: RM200. Or the AAA package, RM35 per session validity 12 months, RM350. Class commence for an hour, and u have to come 10 minutes before each class begins. They open at 10am but the classes only start at 11am.
I am checking out their birthday package too. Maybe for a change, we can do the annual double birthdays here instead. No food (maybe just the cakes), 10 children only and they can get down dirty with crafting! Okay tak?

Melaka Weekend pics

We had so much fun! Especially the kids when they jumped into the pool. Mandi sampai kecut2 jari jemari. But me and Daddy let them, biar puas kan...

Weekend Getaway - Melaka

No, we're not there yet. But we're taking the kids tomorrow. It was all very last minute actually and we were invited by tok mama and baba. Sekali gus antar maksu Nano back to MMU. I made bookings at Everly Resort Hotel Melaka via The rates seem reasonable and cheaper than the hotel's official website, which is weird. Tapi takpe, akan diberitahu jika ada hidden charges kat mana2. But looking at the hotel online, nampak gempak. Harap2 bukanlah indah khabar dari rupa. I soooo want to take the kids jalan2, sebab cuti sekolah lepas they didnt get a proper holiday.
Tonight after mummy jenguk muka kat's party, will take the kids out for dinner and get Umaira a better pelampung. I know for sure there will be much swimming session at the hotel. And I can't wait for the ikan bakar session and adik cakap, nak bawak pi cruise after dinner. Wah!!
And next month - Hard Rock Hotel Penang!!!! Bookings made, but too bad we can't stay for two nights. It is full!! Itupun dah guna kabel baik punya, directly thru their PR person. Sekali sekala guna status yg tak berapa ada ni kan...I know the kids will have loads of fun there. Ops!! Mama baru text, we're staying in Cinta Sayang Sg Petani the night after HRPenang. Best jugak tu...Can karaoke!! Have a great weekend ahead u ols!

Ulfa's Talking

Ulfa: "Mummy...Ulfa rasa macam nak demam lah. Ulfa batuk..."
Mummy: "Ye ke? (feels her head). Tak panas pun."
Ulfa: "Tapi Ulfa batuklah Mummy. Kena makan vitamin."
Mummy: (dah boleh agak autanya, nak vitamin round two rupanya...) "Mummy tak dengar pun Ulfa batuk."
Ulfa: "Lepas ni Ulfa batuk lah..."

Lewat pagi Isnin lalu...
Ulfa: "Mummy, jom lah pergi beli lolipop. Sekejaaaaap ajeeee..."
Mummy: "Ulfa tak boleh makan lolipop, nanti gigi rosak."
Ulfa: "Takpe, Ulfa tak makan, Ulfa jilat saja..."



Tok Baba (my Papa) MMS-ed me this pics this morning with caption "Mohon tambah rezeki untuk Mak Bapak..." Nice!!

Chef Ulfa

Ulfa: "Bila besar nanti (tarik nafas), Ulfa nak belajar masak. (tarik nafas) Jadiiii...(tarik nafas), bila bibik takde nanti (tarik nafas), Ulfa masaklah untuk mummy."
Mummy: "Ulfa nak masak apa?"
Ulfa: "Kek Winx (tarik nafas), takpun kek I Like To Move It (ref: Madagascar). Mummy nak kek apa?"
Mummy: "Nak kek vampire..."
Ulfa: "Eh, tak boley (tarik nafas). Nanti GAMfire gigit tangan Mummy (ref: Twilight)."

* banyak tarik nafas coz her nose was blocked and her voice all sengau.

Daddy's Away

Disebabkan itu, Mummy kena take charge of the house. I dont actually like it, but cubalah sedaya mungkin. Mind you, my hubby does everything for the kids. Even last year's first day of school for Umaira pun dia yang tolong setelkan. I only went for about half hour and terus pi kerja. So this year, I took EL (tak sempat apply leave sebab Daddy dapat tahu kena pi outstation last minute) on Umaira's first day back in Krista.
Seronoknya Umaira dapat join K2 Dolphin (her favourite sea mammal), and her class is upstairs this time. Mula2 tu dia mengeluh, tapi mummy tahu dia suka sebab it shows that she's the senior in school this year. She got teacher Shelly, dengan remark "teacher tak marah2 ari ni, mummy..." sebabnya the teacher is known to be garang, I've seen her marah budak, scary!! So I told Umaira, kena buat rajin2, tentu teacher sayang. She understands. Good girl!
Yang mencabarnya this week, time Daddy takde lah anak2 nak batuk lah, selsema lah. Even I am sick!! Dah ler takleh tidur malam (I cant sleep without hubby, full stop!) so I am not resting well. Dengan terdengar batukan anak2 lagi. Memang tercabar keimanan...Takpe, lagi dua hari Daddy balik. I can't wait!!!!
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