Macam Ni Lah Dik...

I see potentials coz u have great ideas and yes u are creative, memang sesuai buat bisnes ni, sebab ada demand and akak pasti, ramai yang suka dengan ur ideas. Nice! Tapi sebelum tu, please heed these advices, bukan nak "bambu" (lama tak dengar perkataan ni) tapi nak nasihat, supaya you become a better person and better businessperson.

I am your PAYING customer. Tak yah ungkitlah kata you are doing us a favor. And takyah cakaplah our event is a month away, so suntuk bagai. This event is seriously a simple event, bukan nak jemput beriban orang, takat 100 orang je. And tak mintak pun ko tolong banyak pun, tolong get us a caterer and canopy SAHAJA. Bukan nak suh u cook pun, confirm2 u ask from other people kan... Kalau takleh buat, cakap dari awal. Dont have to agree pun, nak taknak kitorang serius leh cari orang lain. But u said yes, u will try your best to kawtim this. Bila dah cakap try ur best, meaning u are willing to take responsibility and u memang akan buat the best. Bukan takat best for urself tapi best utk customer la dok? Lagipun ini bukan mintak sponsor punya kes, bayar dik, bayar. Invoice suma akak pun di CC so I know how much yang masuk dalam account company ko.

So basically, u like it or not, sebab ko dah dalam servis line, u have to ikutlah cakap customer, betul tak? Katakanlah demand customer tu melampau2, ada cara nak "tepis", gunakanlah ayat2 seperti "that is a great idea, but how about we tweak it a bit...boleh tak kita (tambah suggestion yang kaw2 sedap smpai customer tu takleh say no)...?" Jangan bagi ayat2 seperti "Cannot!", memang fobia betul dengan kata2 negatif macam tu. Sebab u're not giving any ideas, ko dah potong kat situ. Macam end of story, client dont get what they want, and tak pasal2 kena ikut apa yang ko nak. Heh? Ni acara kitorang ke, acara korang? Kompius betul!

Elakkan penggunaan ayat2 seperti "My jadual very busy, so I terpaksalah buat utk you." Heh? Ni pun income ko jugak dik... Walaupun ni acara kecik, but this is also ur rezeki. When u beza2kan rezeki, bunyinya macam tak bersyukur. Just because ni job RM3k, and ko dah biasa buat RM30K (lah kot). You always have to make your clients feel important and special. Personally, I dont care kalau ko ada deretan clients to handle sbb all I want to know is you are handling our job fine. Bukan nak perfect pun tapi biar berjalan lancar. Senang, bukan? Tak cerewet pun, kan? Bukan nak suh ko buat lawak sarkis or nyanyi macam CT Nurhalija pung.

Also, be punctual. It's important. Ko janji 3-4pm u must come as said. Jangan bagi alasan (ugh, I sooo hate this). If u know ada traffic jam bagai, keluar awal. Tu pun akak nak cakap ke? Ko jangan ingat kita ni ada berjam2 lamanya utk wait for you. Seriously! Dah ler tak punctual, and no apologies? Seriously? And when I question ur lateness, beralasan jek kerjanya, tepis and tuduh orang lain punya fault. The thing is, we dont deal with these orang lain. We dealt with you, kalau apa2 aku tak nampak orang lain dah dik oi. You and only you.

So this is the deal now. Kalau acara comel macam ni pun ko dah memeningkan kepala banyak pihak, do you seriously think we'd pass you the wedding project? I. Don't. Think. So! No way, no how... So there, you just missed out on a big thing. But maybe you dont care too coz ko bijak sangat kan... Oh well, 'luck to you sistah!

Al-Fatihah to Uncle Alias

...amin. He's tok baba's second cousin macam tu lah. But we are close, kalau sekali sekala pegi Rasta mesti nampak uncle kat situ, dok manage his staff at his favourite coffee station. Kopi apa you nak, from Taiping, Terengganu, Johor? U name it. He has it. And we learned to eat roti steam from his place tu. Mengejutkan, he passed away last nite. Katanya he went for a check up, tapi ntah macam mana, meninggal dunia. Didnt get the full story. But nevertheless, I am really sad. Sian kat aunty Jihan. It must be so hard on her, she looked so dazed. And what breaks my heart is the fact Uncle tak sempat tengok rupa cucu sulung dia. Nampak his menantu tengah sarat mengandung. :(

Orang kata, tak elok bawa budak kecik pergi rumah orang meninggal, but I did just now. It felt okay. We didnt stay long though. But the girls saw me crying. The girls saw the body. Ulfa asked: "Dia (arwah) takde muka ke?" Jenazah dah dikapan masa tu, thus no face. I had to explain to her la sehalus mungkin. But what surprised me was Umaira cakap, hidung orang dah mati kena tutup dengan benda putih (must be kapas), like she understand. Pegghh...Mesti sbb tengok tv. And tetiba kami tiga beranak terus berpelukan. It's just so heartbreaking. Losing someone you love. Can't imagine if I were to lose any of them. Dahlah, taknak cakap. Sedih.


Hisshh...tadi berkobar2 nak menulis kat blog ni. Almaklumlah dah dua hari tak masuk opis. Been busy with photoshoots, bukan suka2 punya shoot, tapi atas dasar KERJA. Bohonglah kalau tak letih seharian kat studio kan, so bila balik memang sangap skit nak layan kerenah anak2. But I pity them, rindu Mummy bukan main, tapi maknya muka tak boleh blah. I am sorry kids, I shouldnt behave that way. I try to be a better person k.

Since Monday, Mummy "off" dari hantar anak2 to kelas mengaji. Satu, sebab Daddy dah balik, so silalah amik turn. I pass baton to you ya Daddy. But tonight memang mmg I dont want to pontengkan depa so terpaksalah multi task skit. Setelkan return of products, make sure kids go to night class and have dinner. (Tak naik gaji lagi tahun ni tak tau lah!)

So masa tunggu anak2 dara abis mengaji, me and Umar duduk kat luar rumah ustazah. Lihatlah aksi cukup menghiburkan (atleast for Mummy la kan) si yabam ni hah...

Paksa Mummy amik ni! Cute lah konon... Tapi memang cute pun hehehehe...

I MMS-ed this to Papa. "Cucu sapalah ni? Mentang2lah cicit tok guru." Papa balas: "Ingat budak Bangla mana tadi." Chis!! So I replied: "Tok dia bangla ka?" hehehehhee... Nak jugak zass bapak sendiri tu! Nida, nida...

Sah cucu Haji Hadi! See the little ekor belakang kepala dia? Dari kecik memang ada. I mean, kalau potong macam mana pun memang ekor kura2 ni tumbuh balik. Daddy dia takde macam ni, Mummy camner plak nak ada, tak pernah berambut pendek pun. But confirm Tok Baba ada. Badan pun ikut Baba kan... Tidak syak lagi!

When I Get Thirsty...

Tiba2 teringat, Umaira told me got this boy from her class who teased her about wearing a "bra". Mind you, she's only 7, no bras required, yet. She wears a camisole under her baju kurung, so I guess the boy thought it's considered a "bra". Either that, his pretty disturbed sebab pernah nampak mak or kakak or somebody in his house wear them. The poor kid, but it's still no excuse for him to ejek my girl. So this is this is the answer I gave Umaira in case budak tu kacau lagi:

"Awak teringin pakai ke? Nanti saya bagi ek." Lantaaakkk!!

This is what my Papa taught me when this one kid suka bebenor usik me during our bus rides home, masa sekolah rendah:

"Dia kacau2 awak tu sebab dia suka awaklah..." ERKSSS!! That. Is. So. Weird!

What A Great Milestone

Sepatutnya dah kena balik ni. Sekarang, takleh nak stayback kat opis lelama (yey!) sebab the girls dah start kelas mengaji. It's like almost everyday of the week. Yang paling bestnya, the girls absolutely love the class, boleh? Kalau remind them ada kelas mengaji, bukan main merenyih sampai belakang telinga. Nak kata ada ustaz kiut, idak pulak sebab belajar ngn ustazah. It was actually a last minute thingy. Memang nak bagi depa belajar ngaji, and dah lama dah pegang nombor ustazah tu, tapi tercall-call. Ntah macam mana ari tu, saja SMS nak enquire dulu. Tup2 ustazah balas cakap datang malam tu jugak. Waaaahh... Bagi dia, benda mengaji ni tak baik lengah2. Yes bos!
Menengokkan pada buku rujukan yang ustazah tu guna untuk mengajar, sangat interesting. Kita dulu guna Muqaddam yang nak kena belajar alif ba ta sampai ingat. Yang ni terus teach you yang baris di atas semua. Menarik la jugak. I think I can teach kids to mengaji also, but hehehehe...tak lengkap ilmu di dada nak jadi ustazah la kan, dada pun kurang! wahahahaha...
See here untuk lihat gambar comel anakanda berdua jadi ustazah kecik.

An Incomplete Milestone

I know, I am the gediks kind. Semua benda nak buat together2. So yesterday came, where the contractor nak kena pasang our new grille. Sepatutnya nak "tonton" sesama dgn hubby, dah dia takde, takleh gak go alone. So angkutlah my parents and the kids, macam rombongan sarkis. Hehe...
(contractor kata dia dah ushar the whole area, so far belum ada orang buat design ni. Heh? Alah, bukan kena design pun. Hehehe,...)

Ni suma dibuat sebagai persiapan majlis pertunangan cum house warming my darling sister, real soon. Senang buat kat rumah kosong, leh tepek apa yang patut. Cuma suma jenis duduk di lantai je lah yaaaa... Tak sempat kot nak godek perabut sekalik. And also, untuk birthday Ulfa lah jugak, dah alang2 esoknya is her birthday. It will be a great gathering with family and friends.

This was the belated birthday celebration for Aunty Malyn who turned 6 years younger than me. Hahahaha! Tetap la kan. We went to Yati's Ayam Percik in Bangi. I think Bangi, though I dont live there, sangat happening in terms of food. Ada banyak pilihan, sedap tak sedap je la kan. But Yati's is one of my personal fav, sebab ayam percik dia sodap, you must also try the daging bakar cicah ngn sos cili lazat. I always pair this with nasi putih, but I see my siblings taking nasi kerabu. Must be good. Sorry, no food pics. Lapar sangat kan, food sampai terus bedal macam ke hapa!

This may basically be Ulfa merajuk sebab takleh duduk sebelah the cuppies. And Umar and Umaira show how much they absolutely cant wait and heart the cakes. Ada makna tu... Apa taknya, bila sampai rumah Baba, bukan main depa membedal kek tu, kalah birthday girl!

Kalau tak sempat nak order cuppies from any of your fav baker, but you feel like you need these to complete kan your family gathering, just walk in at Wondermilk in Damansara Uptown (dokek ngn my opis, tu sebabnya). Ingatkan Sabtu susahlah nak dapat cuppies, tapi tengok berkotak2 ada kat situ, and many2 designs. So I bought the box above, nampak macam mak order plak kan kan kan? Padahal, hado!

Bila dah dapat peluang to terrorize Baba's place, lihatlah aksi gediks budak yabam ni. He's just so happy to be running here and there, it shows that we, the Ajis Ngah clan, need to find a way to move to our new house soon. Bila depa nak buka sekolah kat situ weiiii???

Untukmu Ibu

Let's clear your calendar! Macam best jek...

Geli & Gediks

Lihatlah aksi anak2 dara kami itu. I promise you, I didnt teach them those poses ya. It comes too natural for them. Scary!

Urm... Aaaa... All I did was bengkokkan lutut. lah ye lah, depa belajar dari Mummy. Hahahahaha!!!

But this one is amazing, aksi nak panjat tiang. Like how lar? Is Spiderman's next movie coming soon? But I absolutely LOVE the way Umar poses. Like "check it out y'all!"

Sigh...I love my kids so much. I have three, imagine that!!

Us, all three, doing the super gediks pose. Daddy gedik sebab dapat kena peluk ngn Mummy. Gatai!

When Umar can't carry his own weight, terpaksalah take the trolley but seriously, the airport should prepare strollers for children or at least children friendly trolleys.

A drawing for Daddy. Mentang2lah baru dapat krayon baru. Bukan main lagi. Kena watch out skit dengan Ulfa ni sebab she gatai tangan nak lukis kat dinding jugak budak ni.

Ni budak pengebas ayaq milo Mummy. Kita bancuh sesedap ngn ais bagai, dia yang sedap lahap. Ni sambil melayan ABPBH 2010 live kat TV. (Promise to self, next year nak tengok kat the arena itself, nak bawak Daddy then honeymoon kat Genting, heh?)

Kerjalah Sangat

Congrats to Shaheizy Sam for winning Bintang Paling Popular for ABPBH 2010. One of the nicest celebrity I have met, done a photo shoot with and interviewed. And this guy sangat sayang Mummy dia. So anak2 ku... Kena sayang Mummy macam tu jugak k. :)

(pic taken a few hours before he was Bintang Paling Popular, at Cosmopolitan Pamper Suite. Thank you adik, for stopping by...)

Masa ni ada lah dia cerita nak gi Korea 3 hari lepas ABP sebab ada shoot kat sana. Dengar jek Korea, mulalah sekor2 menggelitis dengki, especially peminat tegar K-Pop n K-Dramas kan. I rilek jek, I nak gi sana pi holiday jek, tentu2 kalau terserempak the K celebs tak kenal pun hehehehe... So masa depa announce Sam menang award tu, akak yang tertumpang teruja ni SMS lah dia cakap congrats. I didn't expect him to balas pun, I bet beribu2 manusia yang ada his number tu tentu2lah telah "membakor" handphone dia malam tu kan. Tup2 di pagi yang dia sepatutnya fly ke Korea tu, he text me a thank you note. Wah! Kembang jiwa kejap. So akak pun balas la balik kata "have a safe journey" tu sumalah. And tetiba bezfren akak, peminat tegar segala Ks tu suh taip "Sarangghe" (ntah ye ke tak spelling ni). Akak pun belasah je lah taip, ingatkan maksud kata2 itu adalah selamat jalan kot. "You know you're typing I love you to him right Nida?" WTH???!!!!! Ofcourse lah tak tahu wehhhh!!!!! Nasib baik belum send, cepat2 delete dan cakap bahasa kebangsaan sudah. Kejadahnya plak aku nak tulis ilepsyou kat Sam tu hah. Pegghhh...nak jadi cougar ke apa! Tapi bila memikiokan kejadian tu, gila menggelikan hati.

Punyalah Rindu!

Tengok tu! Memang suma bukan main rindu kat Daddy, padahal baru urm (kira jam), stongah hari takde. Cuba kalau Mummy yang pi keje, idak plak gitu kan. If u're wondering what is the box thingy she drew, that's Daddy's luggage bag ya. Kiut gila! (Mummy kenalah puji kiut hehe).

The best part about today, we all did a crying session kat tepi boarding door. Especially Umar who was begging Daddy to keluar balik "Umar nak peluk Daddy..." OMG, luruh jantung mak. Rasanya suma kat situ pun dah tersebak tengok anak2 termasuk Mummy dia sekali dok tangkap leleh kat tepi cermin kaca tu. Tinggal nak kena tangkap ngn polis jek sebab buat aksi ayaq mata tepi tu kan. Ulfa dah siap warning kat Daddy "Must come back in XX days and not XX days". Hamik ko Daddy, anak dah cakap, bukan Mummy yang cakap (tapi Mummy sokong cakap anak k).

/I hate sleeping without him. Hate, hate, hate. :(
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