I see potentials coz u have great ideas and yes u are creative, memang sesuai buat bisnes ni, sebab ada demand and akak pasti, ramai yang suka dengan ur ideas. Nice! Tapi sebelum tu, please heed these advices, bukan nak "bambu" (lama tak dengar perkataan ni) tapi nak nasihat, supaya you become a better person and better businessperson.
I am your PAYING customer. Tak yah ungkitlah kata you are doing us a favor. And takyah cakaplah our event is a month away, so suntuk bagai. This event is seriously a simple event, bukan nak jemput beriban orang, takat 100 orang je. And tak mintak pun ko tolong banyak pun, tolong get us a caterer and canopy SAHAJA. Bukan nak suh u cook pun, confirm2 u ask from other people kan... Kalau takleh buat, cakap dari awal. Dont have to agree pun, nak taknak kitorang serius leh cari orang lain. But u said yes, u will try your best to kawtim this. Bila dah cakap try ur best, meaning u are willing to take responsibility and u memang akan buat the best. Bukan takat best for urself tapi best utk customer la dok? Lagipun ini bukan mintak sponsor punya kes, bayar dik, bayar. Invoice suma akak pun di CC so I know how much yang masuk dalam account company ko.
So basically, u like it or not, sebab ko dah dalam servis line, u have to ikutlah cakap customer, betul tak? Katakanlah demand customer tu melampau2, ada cara nak "tepis", gunakanlah ayat2 seperti "that is a great idea, but how about we tweak it a bit...boleh tak kita (tambah suggestion yang kaw2 sedap smpai customer tu takleh say no)...?" Jangan bagi ayat2 seperti "Cannot!", memang fobia betul dengan kata2 negatif macam tu. Sebab u're not giving any ideas, ko dah potong kat situ. Macam end of story, client dont get what they want, and tak pasal2 kena ikut apa yang ko nak. Heh? Ni acara kitorang ke, acara korang? Kompius betul!
Elakkan penggunaan ayat2 seperti "My jadual very busy, so I terpaksalah buat utk you." Heh? Ni pun income ko jugak dik... Walaupun ni acara kecik, but this is also ur rezeki. When u beza2kan rezeki, bunyinya macam tak bersyukur. Just because ni job RM3k, and ko dah biasa buat RM30K (lah kot). You always have to make your clients feel important and special. Personally, I dont care kalau ko ada deretan clients to handle sbb all I want to know is you are handling our job fine. Bukan nak perfect pun tapi biar berjalan lancar. Senang, bukan? Tak cerewet pun, kan? Bukan nak suh ko buat lawak sarkis or nyanyi macam CT Nurhalija pung.
Also, be punctual. It's important. Ko janji 3-4pm u must come as said. Jangan bagi alasan (ugh, I sooo hate this). If u know ada traffic jam bagai, keluar awal. Tu pun akak nak cakap ke? Ko jangan ingat kita ni ada berjam2 lamanya utk wait for you. Seriously! Dah ler tak punctual, and no apologies? Seriously? And when I question ur lateness, beralasan jek kerjanya, tepis and tuduh orang lain punya fault. The thing is, we dont deal with these orang lain. We dealt with you, kalau apa2 aku tak nampak orang lain dah dik oi. You and only you.
So this is the deal now. Kalau acara comel macam ni pun ko dah memeningkan kepala banyak pihak, do you seriously think we'd pass you the wedding project? I. Don't. Think. So! No way, no how... So there, you just missed out on a big thing. But maybe you dont care too coz ko bijak sangat kan... Oh well, 'luck to you sistah!
a good age
2 years ago