Fasting Challenge, I Follow!

Salam. Selamat pagi. Just had our sahur. And it's also tahun pertama Umaira nak try puasa penuh. Amin!!! Harap2 tercapai sebab tau je lah kids. They may change her mind in a bit.

But hopefully kids at school will help motivate her too. Bila dah beramai puasa mungkin dia bersemangat sama.

And I got to figure out what sahur food will make her berselera. She ate little tadi sebab masih rasa 'kenyang' katanya. Now dah back to Zz land.

And hopefully juga suamiku terchenta tu berenti hisap rokok tahun ni! Aminnnnn!!!

And hopefully I wont ne dehydrated so bad. Memang tu lah masalah den saban tahun. Malas minum air. Jam juga ginjal ni kang, nauzubillah. Malam tadi dah start misi telan air satu mug besau smpai asyik terkench jek.

Hope today moves fast to kawtim our first fasting day. Heart!

* Donno y nak sebut benda ni tpi xyahla dok pasang cerita hantu bebulan puasa. Rindu ke?? BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Welcome. Ahlan ya Ramadhan!

Mesti mencabar puasa thn ni sbb first day on a monday. Peghhh... Double trouble. And my neighbour at work plak terkecuali drpd puasa. And opis baru kalau x cukup pelantakan pada tubuh mmg rasa sejuk yg over.

What more, boss baru masuk secara rasmi esok. And two colleagues x keje dah. One coz of chicky pox the other dah bye2 kan our team. And soon my freelancer aka adinda pun bye2 gak. Haaaaa.... Stress keje and dugaan berlapor. Siaplah...

Kalau difikirkan secara 10 meter dalam memang leh lemas. Minggu ni closing, minggu ni x cukup stafg. Sangap gue!

And plg x best, kenapalah ai jek dok fikir sesuma ni. Agak x kuasa nak layan...

Maybe i shud keep quiet and pulun kerja under my jurisdiction saja. Yeszaaaa... I shall guna main own advice. To be jual ikan skit.

Last nite dpt gathering with my cousins and above adalah the generation under us.

Terdahuku (bahasa surat kabo) gi wedding my cousin kat dewan felda. Makan sgt best! Ke sebab dah nak dkt puasa n nak kena melantak so suma pun sodap? Ikh!

Sempat ai bertukar2 tweet ngn DS Sharizat Jalil who happened to be there tpi x sempat nak bergambar ngn dia. X suka lah kaco2 org time makan semata nak brgambar like dat. Rasa kurang ketatasusilaan diri ini kalau buat gitu. Tpi kalau tu daniel henney harus akak offer diri tolong suapkan nasi! Sanggup tu!!

Oklah mau baca buku romen utk hari terakhir (ye ke?). Selamat berpuasalah yaaa.... BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Opocot Bebuku!

Banyaknya benda terbuku kat hati. Buat buku kang xde sapa plak nak baca. Citer kat sini kang ada org terasa dibuku lima di hatinya. Pendam sgt perasaan buku ni naik ke kepala plak.

So lebih baik baca buku jek.

If u think this is merepek it is meant as such.
Shadap u! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Nak Jugak...

Org lain nak baju designer, awak pun nak jugak... Gediksnya!! Tapi perasan tak, kalau bab anak2 belanja banyak pun xpe kalu diri sendiri xpelah ngalah pakai hat murahan jek. Especially when they are babies. Dah beso2 galah mmg xleh la nak branded selalu, rabak poket mummy lgi plak ada tiga owang mau bela.

Thn ni mmg keluarga ajis anida prepare baju raya waaaau early. Actually, masa malyn bertunang tu baju raya dah siap. Tempah trus sesiap, xyah rebut nak upah jahit. Kalu dedulu dua minggu b4 raya pun smpat tempah baju but nowadays dua bulan b4 puasa dah tutup tempahan. If dulu byr rm20 as upah jahit now rm180 with lining! Tpi i got la one place yg rege dia agak munasabah skit.

Cuma bab baju melayu ku serahkan kpd suamilah utk cri tpt jahit n tempah. Bdn deme tentulah tau mana best x best. Dah antar kat this tailor that i already banned for years. Spt nama butiknya mmg ko kena byk sabarrrrr dgn taukenya. Mmg factor lokasi dejat jdi pendorong suami antar kat situ. Tpi mmg sabarrrrr je lah. Satu, tanpa ukuran lengkap suami n umar tak pasal2 depa pi potong kain tu pdahal dah suh hold dulu. Bila kena sound buat bodoh jek. Bijak bijak...

So yes... As back up to the foreseen disaster, we decided to buy yg dah siap. So happen a good friend showed me her new kids collection for raya. Projek yg akhirnya took off. Yeyy!! I think it's cute!

What do u think? Bju melayu

Interested? Check this raya collection. Heart! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Little Cute Things

Sleeping Beauty

Evening chillax lepas balik dri alam budiman. Ulfa baca buku on cats that I bought years ago. Maybe before I started having babies. From where i am sitting nampak mcm kosentrasi abis. She's 5 and can read already. So berbungalah hati Mummy tgok dia mmbaca.

Blkg kalu... Tidur rupanya. Mwahahahaha... Mummy tertipu! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Wahai rumah terbiar, I love u very strong

My Alam Budiman Inside

We are here today. Saja dtg lepas rindu. Sian rumah terbiar, habuk menebal kat lantai (sebbaik tarak perabot). Last we were here was malyn's engagement. Then dri sehari ke sehari nak dtg, x trbuat pun.

Ni tgh tunggu ajis ngah gi beli mop. Dah setel mop n cuci bilik air atas, tgh sedap mop ruang tamu patah la pulok. Sebelum ilang mood nak ngemop baik gi beli chepat!! But having said that, i looooove mopping the floor. U can give me that anyday than asking me to cook. Masak mmg FAIL!

Bilalah nak pindah sini? (bilalah nak ada sekolah dekat sini?) sigh... BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Why We Love The Rain? (again)

Rain rids the heat. When there's less heat the less la bahang in the house. Besides jimat letrik sbb xyah on aircond (jimat banyak tu!), the risk of kids getting sick pun lesser.
Like baru2 ni, umaira demam panas smpai dua hari tpaksa miss school. Memang baguslah kena rehat kat rumah tpi yg x bestnya bila tgok report card kedatangan despite having mc from doctor. Fine fine, petty as it is tpi perasaan x best tetap ada. Bohonglah kalau x terasa.
And because dah sorang start demam mulalah face risks the others dijangkiti gak. And today tiba2 Umar plak demam. Padahal dah selamat ziarah Daddy's boss kat spital. Rupa2nya dok terkuap2 bagai tu cik abg yabam nak demam.
Nak jdi cerita cerekarama, Daddy's motor plak tayar pancit so had to send him to opis. Only then i realize umar was burning up, nafas pun berat jek. Rasa nak terbang balik umah dah just to get his meds. N time2 ni lah bangsar tu byk keta n we got stuck a bit at tmn tun's never-ending jam.
Bagus gakla tayar pancit sbb Daddy kena bwk keta gi asmt and avoid the rain. Kalu tak demam plak lagi sorang.
Lagi kebaikan hujan... Merangsang rasa mengantuk ya rabbi especially lepas dah lahap two slices of cheese pizza hehehee... Tima kaseh la adik delivery sbb sanggup kelencunan antar pizza kat umah akak ya. Semoga Allah murahkan rezekimu... Dia pun baik jek sbb murah senyuman. Mcm tulah dik, keje ikhlas rezeki gerenti brganda. Jgn ko renyih sbb akak kuar pakai seluar senteng sudah. Ooops!!!

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

How to get your kids to take their jabs

Memang mencabar kan? Tak mudah! Lagi plak kalau dia dah nampak jarum panjang tu. Lagilah dia seriau. Xyah kata dia, Mummy pun rasa nak pitam.

But we had to get it over with. Umaira diff case skit coz she doesnt take the jabs in school kike other kids. Kitorang gi swasta coz Daddy dia seriau takut anak dara dia meraung kat skolah. Sebenarnya okay jek buat kat skolah coz ine, it's complimentary dari kerajaan Malaysia (x bersyukur gak xtau la kan) n dua, bila buat ngn kengkawan xdelah dia nak meraung coz shy with friends maaa...

Dah we chose to take it with her paed we had to go twice. If in school they do two jabs sekaligus. Ada berani?

So today we went for the second jab. Mmg memula tu dia dah ckp xnak. Kenalah pujuk bagai nak rak ckp dah beli cekak n tudung baru bagai, nnti nak sihat kurang risiko kena chicky pox, n janji mummy akan peluk while she takes the jab.

Tup2 doc plak pi masukkan ubat dlm syringe dpn muka dia. Tu yg nampak jarum dua inci tu. Pegggh... Maka mulalah sesi meraung di hujung pintu. End up i had to dukung my 21kgs daughter up on the table n sogok games ifon. Nasib baikla teruna kecik x berebut fon masa tu sbb selalunya dia jek conquer fon.

Mmg meraungla kena jab tu tpi kejap jek. Umaira ni mmg drama memula jek lepas tu rilek jek. Drpd bersunat ke cabut 4 btg gigi ke jabs. Susah dulu pendapatan katanya...

Moral of the story. Kalau dah tiba masanya nak jab just do it. Kena kentalkan jiwa dgr raungan dia. Kalau kita beralah mmg lepas tu lalu dpn klinik pun dia xnak. Mmg kena hati kering.

And oh, laz nite kat ou. Ada this little girl sudah terseliuh lutut yg sgt weird. Even my kids saw her. Raungan bdk tu mmg meruntun jiwa. Medix siap potong seluar dia nak psg brace. Xtaula how she fell tpi mmg pegggh... Lutut kanan tu mcm dah terpusing. Smpai skrg rasa seriau. Hope the little girl recovers soon.... BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Alasan Sibuk - Penipu!

Bukanlah sibuk sangat, sempat jek tidur awal bila balik keje. Ntah kenapa, though I can blog using my phone now, it's not as thrilling as typing a proper keyboard. Tapi the only keyboard I have is in the office, and sebetulnya, tempat saya ni tak cukup strategik untuk update this place. Tak syiokla kalau orang nampak...

Ikh!! Baru nak gebang, hubby's here. Later peeps.

Saja jek buang karan kan!!

What a weekend!

It started pfftthh, then moved to a slow paced saturday with a midnite singing bang n today... Filled with activites yg sana sini sinun.

Alamak!! Lupa amik gmbar anak2 saya berkaraoke!

BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

A hot day that sizzles my happy mood

Ulfa's class The first thing i got was thanks for the perfume. Glad the teacher liked it pdahal miniature jek. For teacher's day ari tu. Dah beli for umaira's teachers lupa plak anak dara kecik pun ada teachers. Kenalah korek dlm my magic boxes of mcm2 ada for her teachers. Ulfa did very well alhamdulillah. Academically suma As. Tpi tang social skills tu B la kan. Same old thing yg skrg dah rasa agak basi - very soft spoken. Pdahal kat umah bingit mcm ke hapa. Even dgn her lau-se (she's taking mandarin) can tell her body language tetakut jek. She is a big teacher with suara yg besau mgkin sbb tu gerun kot. But overall, for a malay kid with non speaking parents she's doing well. Today mummy memanjakan diri dgn bergelumang dgn buku. Makacih to a good fren nun di nyaris pantai timur yg ada nundia punya koleksi buku i got 8 to occupy my time sehingga diberitahu kelak. Yeah...! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop
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