My Very Own Ed Westwick

Sungguh bertuahnya dapat anak teruna yang rajin nak teman Mummy dia menonton her all-time fav drama series - Gossip Girl. Gitulah Umar malam tadi, teman Mummy tengok GG yang penuh dengan drama Chuck Bass jadi poyo. Sigh...I got abg (ehem adik) Bass depan mata, and mini Bass dalam dakapan. Heheee...
He tried so hard to keep up with me, little Umar I mean. Sampai ke satu tahap (11.20pm rasanya) he just couldnt open his little eyes. Bila dia suh gosok his back, he was standing up. Tak lama kemudian, Mummy yang terlalu asyik dengan abg/adik Bass itu tak sedar anak teruna dah terlentuk kat tangan. And he was still standing up. My poor baby...
So melepaslah little Bass nak tengok gelagat poyo Chak Best kat Quickie. Bagus pun, taknaklah dia terikut2 kepoyoannya itu...Haha!

Ayat power Umaira baru2 ini, when I called her from office just for a chat...
"Mummy, can I say goodbye now? Nak tengok CD..." Sabar je lah..!!


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