Born on May 1st, 2006 at 10.11pm, the cutest and easiest to take care baby in the family. In comparison to Umaira who cried every night during my confinement (tapi sekarang memang good girl yang sangat dengar kata), Ulfa was a very good baby. She sleeps through the night, kadang2 sampai Mummy yang bangun tengok, dia ni taknak susu ke? Even during the day, she can easily sleep back lepas kenyang susu and lampin all cleaned up. Sangat, sangat, sangat good girl - I am so blessed! And did I tell you she was born big? Yes, pecah rekod keluarga - 3.78kg ya. My weight was about the same as when I was pregnant with Umaira. Dr Idris pun tak mention apa2 about baby being big during my check-ups. Tup tup masa tengah meneran tu lah doc said "o-oo..." And I panicked a bit sebab dengan Umaira I pushed once dah keluar (she was born 3.03kg). Hat ni pushed twice tak keluar2 lagi. Barulah doc cakap "baby besar", erk! But alhamdulillah, Khadeja Ulfa was born just fine.
My own myth: Baby yang bersalin malam ni takkan ganggu malam sangat. Compared to Umaira who was born early morning (8.20am), she sleeps thru the day, malam berjaga gitu. Ditambah dengan Mummy yang masa tu gemar minum kopi sama la kan. Manalah Umaira taknak tidur malam, she was caffein-ated!
Umar pulak was born around 5.30pm, he sleeps the night but not so thru. Usually dia akan bangun around 4-is in the morning, minum susu then lena sampai 7am. Kira senanglah tu. Nak cerita pengalaman dengan Umaira during confinement, memang boleh nangis!
But I love you all the same k...
This write-up is especially made inconjunction with Khadeja Ulfa Mohd Azis' 4th birthday. Happy Labour Day Birthday darling!