Countdown to Ulfa's Labour Day BIRTHDAY!

Born on May 1st, 2006 at 10.11pm, the cutest and easiest to take care baby in the family. In comparison to Umaira who cried every night during my confinement (tapi sekarang memang good girl yang sangat dengar kata), Ulfa was a very good baby. She sleeps through the night, kadang2 sampai Mummy yang bangun tengok, dia ni taknak susu ke? Even during the day, she can easily sleep back lepas kenyang susu and lampin all cleaned up. Sangat, sangat, sangat good girl - I am so blessed! And did I tell you she was born big? Yes, pecah rekod keluarga - 3.78kg ya. My weight was about the same as when I was pregnant with Umaira. Dr Idris pun tak mention apa2 about baby being big during my check-ups. Tup tup masa tengah meneran tu lah doc said "o-oo..." And I panicked a bit sebab dengan Umaira I pushed once dah keluar (she was born 3.03kg). Hat ni pushed twice tak keluar2 lagi. Barulah doc cakap "baby besar", erk! But alhamdulillah, Khadeja Ulfa was born just fine.
My own myth: Baby yang bersalin malam ni takkan ganggu malam sangat. Compared to Umaira who was born early morning (8.20am), she sleeps thru the day, malam berjaga gitu. Ditambah dengan Mummy yang masa tu gemar minum kopi sama la kan. Manalah Umaira taknak tidur malam, she was caffein-ated!
Umar pulak was born around 5.30pm, he sleeps the night but not so thru. Usually dia akan bangun around 4-is in the morning, minum susu then lena sampai 7am. Kira senanglah tu. Nak cerita pengalaman dengan Umaira during confinement, memang boleh nangis!
But I love you all the same k...
This write-up is especially made inconjunction with Khadeja Ulfa Mohd Azis' 4th birthday. Happy Labour Day Birthday darling!

We got the WHITE stuff

Atas permintaan (dan rayuan) a friend of Nokia, I spread what little photography skills I have to come out with almost 50 pics of my children in white for the Nokia's White Is Passion competition, where we should submit pics that defines white. I couldn't think of anything more creative than sending my kids' photos (and thank you tok mama for the outfits, bought way earlier for another occassion). Check out If we're lucky, Daddy will get his new handphone...hehehehee....

Shopping Night

Umar doing his "move it, move it" routine. Hehe!

Our usual grocery night is on Monday instead of the weekend. The stock is fresher, less people on the que, the kids can enjoy the kids' trolleys, Daddy is usually on leave on Mondays so he can send Mummy to work and later fetch me before going to Tesco (our usual grocerer).

I heart these hairbands, bought it for the girls when we visited Old Blossom Box by Jezmine ( or last Sunday. Love at first sight for just RM18 each. And Mummy pun dapatlah angkut jaket "pengganti" for a much much much cheaper price. I like!

She's growing up!

My eldest girl reached a huge milestone during the weekend. Her first gigi dah tercabut (her upper front teeth tak dikira sebab yang tu semua mereput heheheh). It was pretty exciting for all of us especially me and Daddy sebab we were there to witness it. I have been wanting to pull it for her, but she refused to allow me. Fine.
We had lunch at Killiney, near Laman Seri, Shah Alam and tetiba Umaira tunjuk the gigi dah "terpusing" gitu. So I pun amik peluang tarikkanlah. And tadaaaaa....Irmy Umaira is officially rongak! hehehehe....

One Sunday Night

Elo...we're at Eastin tonight. Saja lepak with mama papa, the kids miss them a lot! To date, we just had two birthday cakes, one is an unofficial RM11 chocolate sponge cake I bought for the kids (umar) to cut (umar cincang, darn i forgot pics!) together. The second is Malyn's. Umaira picked it for her. A pink (duh) and white butter icing butter cake they cut together at Eastin after dinner. Umar (almost) got to cincang it.
And tomorrow, will be the official tok baba's 60th birthday cake cutting. We ordered a Toyota Camry chocolate cake from Kak Irma tolong deliver depan rumah lagik. Thank you! I love the look of the cake, all so clean and smart! It is now being kept by room service of the hotel. I dont want the kids to godek the cake in the room. I hope they will keep it nicely for us. The celebration tomorrow will be at a bowling centre in Shah Alam. Yet to find out where the exact place is. Bukan reti sangat area Shah Alam ni.
Pics will be in here once I get back to work on Monday. Nity nite!

What to do when anak benjol kat dahi?

Umar, moments before kepala benjol. Cian baby Mummy...
This happened to Umar masa I was busy helping packing up the Cosmo Pamper Suite kat Genting last Sunday. He was there with Umaira and Ulfa with Daddy to fetch me home. Dalam tengah sibuk tu lah dia berlari2 and terjatuh and kepala sudah terhantuk baik punya kat kaki kerusi. In just a few seconds, sudah naik benjol sebesar bola ping pong kat dahi kiri. Memang luluh jantung tak ingat punya. Daddy ran for ice kat kedai 1Meter Tea which was just nearby. We put it in a small towel (thanks aunty Ida for the quick response) and cuba letak kat dahi Umar. He screamed and screamed. Sakit la kot sebab kena ais. Mummy yang dah tak tahan dengar jeritan dia asked Daddy to stop and buang the ice.
I tried and old "recipe" - tuam dengan hawa mulut. I took the towel, letak kat my mulut and keluarkan hawa mulut bagi dia warm skit, and letak kat kawasan benjol. Kena buat banyak2 kali. Umar terus diam and relaxed a bit. Sambil tengok Umaira and Ulfa dok main2 depan dia. After a few minutes, dah nampak his benjol surut skit. Lega sangat. Uncle Kamil masa tu dah tolong check out clinic kat First World Hotel, but we decided Umar will be fine sebab he stopped crying.
This wasnt the first time Umar jatuh and benjol kepala actually and learning from the other experience, tuam dengan hawa mulut ibu for this kind of cases memang mujarab. Syukur....
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