This is my second daughter, Khadeja Ulfa, who was born on May 1st, 2006; 1010pm. Yes, she's our Labour Day baby and she was born 3.78kg! I remembered Dr Idris (gynae to all my children, and my youngest sister, ehem) said, "Oh, baby besar..." during labour. Imagine! I thought something was wrong ke apa, panik kejap. Rupa2nya my little girl lahir bam bam, macam budak dah sebulan kat dunia. After about 3 pushes, keluar kenit muka daddy (jugak). Hehe...Now that she's three, you can distinguishly tell that she's different than her sister Umaira. She's our manja girl, and despite dah ada adik, still macam baby. She can wink with both eyes, and can give you melting smiles. She learns spelling from Umaira. She speaks fluently by two. When she's upset, she will make your heart robek with her "broken" face. But when she shows tantrum, you can't help getting angry but afterwards peluk gomoi dia. She is daddy's girl. Her daddy kisses her most (selain Mummy ofcourse hehe). She loves giving you kisses. Her "gig" whenever I leave home to work is: "Mummy salam. (salam). Mummy kiss (kisses her on the lips). Mummy peluk. (hugs her tightly)." This must-do-or-you-can't-leave-home-without-seeing-her-mengamuk routine is one of the highlights of the day. Without it, memang akan rasa lebih rindu and tak keruan.
I can't wait to go home to my darlings...