Road Trip - Pasir Putih, KTganu and Awana Kijal

1. Umar ready to go to masjid. 2. Umaira in her fav baju kurung. 3. Ulfa who now hates being photographed, getting cranky. 4. Kids with mummy.

A lot has happened lately, what with maid suddenly took off, and it was the week when we're supposed to go back to Tganu for my SIL's nikah (14 Aug 2009, two days after Umar turned two). But I am very proud (cewah!) to say, me and hubby survived the 4D3N trip on our own. Luckily the kids behaved well during the NINE hours ride to Pasir Putih. We were out of the house by 7.30am and reached Kak Mah's house at 4.30pm. Ofcourse we stopped three times for makan2 and toilet breaks (What with Ulfa toilet trained, memang nak kencing sokmo!).
Anyways, the tahlil and nikah went well. The kids had a hard time adjusting to the hot weather though. Ulfa was quite cranky, Umar was okay because his abang sepupu knows what he likes best - Cats to torture! Haha..And Umaira had so much fun with her cousins (especially the boys), now she can't wait to go back for Raya. I thought I lost weight taking care of three kids on the road, but no way. The food was too good to tolak. Even the kids loved the kenduri food, makan bertambah2...
After the nikah, we went back to Tganu, rumah arwah Mak, where my SIL now lives. First time kami dapat the biggest room in the whole house - the living room. Hehehe...Our usual room was "occupied" by Li's stuff, too messy and (me) lazy to kemas. Mind you, we arrived at 9.30pm. Nak suh Mummy pegang penyapu malam2? I don't think so...
The next day, we woke up early (except Umar was still sleeping on his tummy when we all had breakfast kat serambi). Plans for the day - Pasar Payang, lunch with bureau chief BH, then to Awana Kijal. Before that, the kids had so much fun meronda Serada on Ayah Long's new motorbike berbakul itu. Memang buat perangai budak bandar masuk kampung. Nasib baik, Daddy pandai bawak, so off they went to a nearby shop.

5. Ronda-ronda Serada je... 6. Sepah skit rumah Mak Nik, hehe...

After Pasar Payang and lunch "date" with Daddy's friend, we stopped to Mummy's tpt-wajib-dikunjungi (tapi lupa sat) - Noor Arfa (Didnt buy anything, damn expensive lah!). Ulfa who I mentioned earlier didnt want to be photographed tunjuk skill jadi fotografer plak dah. Hasilnya...
Not too bad, huh?

A night in Awana Kijal, memang fantabulous!! The kids enjoyed the pool, especially Umar who wasnt a bit scared padahal air dah paras dada. The room was very comfy, two queen beds and we took in a cot. Dont want to risk Umar falling off the bed now, do we?

7. It's raining! 8. Daddy and his kids. 9. Lovely! 10. The girls at the beach. 11. Kaki dompot Umar

What a life... :)


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