Don't know if it's just me being emo or people memang dah makin kurang beradab sekarang ni. Begini... today we had iftar with Tok Mama n Baba at Bangi, with my uncles and aunties. It was very short and sweet sbb one thing pasal iftar di luar ni, u just need to rush off for Maghrib. So we did our prayers at a nearby masjid. A big masjid actually. Because it is Sunday, ramailah jugak jemaahnya. I thought nak perform Maghrib and leave. But by the time dah siap nak chow, azan Isyak berkumandang, so not nice la leave without kaw-timing it kan.
My kids were with me, I dont expect hubby to be able to handle Umar. My sisters and cousins were with us so takpelah, gilir2 tengokkan. Masa nak tunggu Isyak, masjid mula penuh sbb orang datang nak Terawih. Tetiba datang sorang wanita lanjut usia, muka bersih dan cerah, and she said to me "Tolong suruh anak2 u duduk luar ya...ramai lagi jemaah lain nak masuk solat." Gulp, sentap gila! Zasss darah naik kepala. But I kept quiet.
EXCUSE ME, my kids duduk kat saf paling belakang like to dinding and memang tak lojik pun ada sesiapa nak solat kat that part sebab there were so many bags there. And another thing, adatlah sementara tunggu nak solat jemaah, everyone duduk dulu. And kebiasaannya, once imam announces the beginning of prayer, suma akan bangun and there will be plenty, I repeat, PLENTY of space. And this is the first time I took my kids to the mosque, bukan sengaja nak bawak sebab I tau tak sesuai pun, tapi sebab I was "separa musafir". Kalau I leave them outside, what or who is going to jamin they will be safe? If Umar lari2 n jatuh, are they going to help? Maybe they would but I want to avoid it altogether, thank u very much!
At the same time, I saw Umar eyeing this toy car on the rack. I asked around sapa punya, tapi takde sapa jawab so I told my boy he can borrow them. Lepas main, kena letak balik. So he played with it quietly. Siap baring lagik. Tup2, ada this granny datang and grabbed the toy car from Umar's hands. She didn't even say or ask anything. I was super shocked! Umar dah bergenang air mata. My poor baby... Kalau betullah itu cucu dia punya, takleh ke minta elok2. I would gladly apologize sebab tak sengaja amik. I never teach my kids to take things that aren't theirs pun. We were planning to return it pun lepas I finish with prayers. So yes, memang tak khusyuk solat Mummy hari ni. Sukar nak percaya ada jugak orang perangai macam tu, and they're older people. And yes, memang segelintir jek tu tapi kesannya memang awan yang terpilu especially seeing ur only son ketar bibir tahan nangis.
Moralnya: must teach my kids to behave better, and ingatkan diri sendiri agar tak jadi macam manusia macam tu.... Amin!!
a good age
2 years ago
Well, kadang2 kita yang muda ni lebih tau mcm mana nak hormat each other.
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