...Tiada yang pengalah

Ulfa with kakak Umaira

Umaira with her principal, Teacher Susan.

We had fun (despite rushing for time sebab took half day leave jek)! Registration starts at 10.15am then off to the playground to run and play. Ulfa and Umar were there too, paid RM10 each (usual price is RM34 per kid, me think). Kizsports at OU is HUGE! So memang puaslah berlari berkejaran. And despite having so many screaming kids running here and there, it was still very comfortable.
And I get to meet Umaira's friends from school! She used to be close to Alia Alissa from her days in K1 Tulip, now that she's a fellow Dolphin-er in K2, her good friends are Nadrah, Sumaiyah and Lee Wen (if I get the spelling correct).
When I saw all the medals on the table were gold, kesimpulannya mudah saya - everyone's a winner. And it was just a day out for the teachers and children.
Cherish the memories!


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