Weekend Tarak Daddy

Daddy pulak away, media trip with MAS to Dhaka, Bangladesh. We think it's the most mencabar press trip ever sebab tak tahu kenapa, Daddy had to handle sendiri urusan visa with their embassy, and it wasn't smooth sailing, at all! Rasanya, kalau nak press trip to Amerika pun tak payah gitu. Sheesh.
N'ways, Daddy dah selamat sampai sana pepagi buta tadi, he's flight was at 10.30pm last night. Sempatlah family dinner at Mahboob, Bangsar dulu before we sent him to KL Sentral. We hope Daddy brings back kain cotton cantik utk buat baju raya, no money means less expectations hehehe...
Setakat ini, Umaira is super in love with Cheese Naan. This week, she already belasah empat keping kot. And kalau share dgn Umar and Ulfa, memang tak cukup boleh? Takpelah, yang penting selera baik punya.
Umar is recovering from the mosquito bites. I was praying it won't have any aedes traits there, syukur Alhamdulillah, all clear!
Ulfa seperti dirinya sendiri. All cute and always nak manja, geram budak comel underweight tu!
And oh, semalam odway amik Mummy kat opis, Umaira gaduh besar dgn Umar in the car coz the Boboy tak bagi kakak duduk depan. Sampai Umaira keluar statement "Kalau Umar notti2 macam ni, besar nanti jadi (pen)curi." Aiyoyorrrr... Dah marah sangat lah tu. Heheh...Gurau bewak namanya....


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