But before we talk about that, what happened during the weekend. It was super-packed, that's for sure. Even on Friday evening, Mummy was running around picking up the cake, buying more goodies for the party pack, getting paper plates and plastic fork. And before bed, I was packing for Saturday's event, which was:
1. Daddy's World Cup Berita Harian event 8am till 2pm.
2. Tok Baba's and Tok Mama's family gathering cum tahlil cum doa selamat cum birthday celebration for Umar.
And after all that, we couldn't overnight at Baba's coz we had Aunty Nana's brunch/potluck Bendits gathering on Sunday morning. Nasib baik Mummy tak janji nak bawak a full meal, just fried chicken. And thank god for Bibik kalau tak memang Mummy senget!!
Umaira joined the colouring competition during the BH World Cup event.
Umar pun tried, but he enjoyed mematahkan mata pensel even more!
Ulfa and her colourful meow. Ears in yellow and orange, the inside mouth was blue and the body is in black and purple! Splash of clashing colours, but she won a bigger Milo pack than Umaira, boleh?
Umar memang hebat main bola! Sampai ada uncles suruh dia main for their team. Natural born sportsman lah.
That night, we celebrated Umar's birthday with my cousins (yes, those little ones are my cousins ya). He's turning three this Thursday!
Umaira and Sophie quickly became besties during brunch at Aunty Nana's house on Sunday. Sexy girl that Sophie, and look at the pose - to die for kan?? Umaira looks very pretty here. Love you daughter!
Umar got a galactic toy gun for his birthday, from Aunty Malyn. Then he found Buzz Lightyear (loaned by abang Arman), what a perfect match!
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