Let's Jom To School

Mummy: "Umar nak gi skolah tak?"
Umar: "Na-nak." (taknak)
Mummy: "Umar nak pergi sekolah ngn kakak Ulfa tak?"
Umar: "Solah? Nak, nak!" Sambil angguk kepala beria2. Gediks!

Over supper, us and the kids talked about 2011 school session. Umaira dah setel lah, she's going to standard 1 already (sob still!). After checking out other (cheaper) options near our place, Daddy putuskan to send Ulfa to Krista too. I like!! Financially, yes it is expensive to our pockets, but result wise - gerenti puas hati. The other kindy we checked out is half the cost of Krista but because it is relatively too new, there's no guarantee Ulfa will be as good as her kakak. So yes, Kristalah jawapannya.
As for Umar, I really really wish we could send him too, but it will be too damaging to our expenses, for now. Baby bam bam, u wait aaa u wait...
Tomorrow will be Umaira's last day in kindy. Me and Daddy are meeting up with her teacher, to check on her report card and to finally get her concert CD. Yeay!
Will try to upload her Bollywood dance here. Good nite...


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