Syioknya Kemas Rumah

Oh yes, I love it when I get the time (and energy) to clean house. It's soooo satisfying. Especially these days when me and bibik don't see eye to eye. Rasanya maids ni ada "expiry" date macam makanan jugak. Mula2 tu sodap lah, suma pun pandai buat, suma pun dengar cakap, suma pun ikut selera kita. Dah lama2 tu, mulalah tunjuk belang. Mulalah jadi lemau, mulalah boleh cakap "saya sedang istirehat" bila kita call rumah nak tau apa dia tengah buat. Ada akal ke? Kadang2 it's better dia tipu cakap tengah lipat kain ke mop rumah ke, janganlah ko kata ko tengah istirehat. I don't pay you to istirehat, or burn my favourite top or mess up my cadar or lipat baju dengan cara buruk sekali or make my boy eat milo and not rice or use the berus I spared for my bathroom to cuci longkang. Like SERIOUSLY!!
Bibik is now with the kids at Mama's. Instead of my usual hibernating sessions on Saturdays, today I get to mop the house (which I truly truly love doing, percayalah!), cari balik all the missing sarung bantal and cadar etc, susun balik harta kat dapur etc. Memang puas hati dapat buat suma tu. Dengan harapan menggunung, bibik wont mess it up semula. But percayalah, that's not something I'm so hopeful about. Sigh...


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