Don't Fall For This Trap!

When your child says, she's checked her beg and she's quite sure there's no homework given, you'd better double check. Notlah saying your child is not trustworthy, but kids may not be a good "planner" like you. But ofcourse, I am talking bout my eldest, yang telah berjaya "memperdayakan" Mummy over the weekend. I was quite surprised the teachers didn't give any homework. Like, biar benar?
But because I love her, so much, percaya je lah.

So last night, we took her out for dinner with tok Mama and Baba. Half way thru dinner, Umaira memang keletihan so terlelap dalam kereta sampai balik rumah. I even excused her from having to check her books. Takpelah, esok pagi baru buat, sempat pun sebab memang jenis awal bangun.

Tapi Mummy plak tak percaya diri sendiri. Kot2lah gue yang bangun lambat, how? Tak check buku anak sekolah. So I did it when she was asleep. Rupa2nya, ada dua homework tak bersiap!! Aaaagggh! Mulalah nak jadi menatang hijau kan. Bertuah punya budak, leh cakap takde homework.

So sesudah Subuh dah kena kejut siapkan homework. Nasib baiklah jenis cepat menulis and dah tahu jawapan. Tapi kena tahanlah bebelan bonda sebelum matahari terbit kan. Haiiihh... So yes, mulai hari ni, Mummy pun kenalah rajin2 selak buku2 dalam beg, to avoid this problem from berulang lagi.

And oh, kenapa bila cari "fun green activities" asyik jumpa yang for kids only? Bila taip "fun green activities for adults" serious takde. Cubalah try. Apa? Adults takyah tolong help the Earth ke? Ikh!

Meeting Mak Ayah

Punyalah excited to go to my first PIBG meeting, kol 2.15pm sharp I was already in the school compound. I seriously thought many parents will turn up coz I remember when Papa attended my school's pta meeting, penuh satu dewan. And this one is only done at the foyer, I was even thinking of bringing my own chair! Memang nampak ramai, tapi yang meramaikannya are parents of ex-students, dah masuk tktan satu pun, they're only there to receive penghargaan sebab dapat 5As, even kelas tercorot dalam darjah enam yang dapat 5C pun dapat hadiah, sebab dah la ko corot, tapi leh pass plak. Kira agak miracle gitu, gamaknya... But oklah tu, kira motivasi la kan.

Setel jek amik hadiah, terus hilang separuh "penonton" PIBG. Rupa2nya yang betul2 hadir for the meeting, I think, is only 20% of the school's parents. Peggghh...quite disappointing to my standard. Tapi takpelah, atleast me and my soccer mom buddy came to support. Punyalah kami excited, sampai tang depa mintak sapa nak cadang and sokong, kitorang dua jelah tukang angkat tangan hahahaha...Sekurang2nya our names will be in next year's report. Ahaks!

The meeting was actually quite straight forward. Memang bagus pun I came a bit early coz I got to read the reports first. During meeting takde pun depa nak discuss butir2 dalam tu, which is good, kalau tak mau sampai tengah malam meeting. Kalau meeting MT u ols!

Tapi bila part perkara berbangkit tu, ada lah hamba Allah ni angkat tangan nak suarakan rasa tak puas hati sebab gate belakang sekolah tu bertutup. This particular issue have been discussed for years, and last year they have decided, and I pun totally agree, to close the gate permenantly. U c, that gate was originally opened to allow kids who live kat belakang skolah tu access to the school. I think the penduduk situ tak puas hati sebab now they have to pusing agak jauh la nak antar anak sekolah.

Tapi PIBG yang dah pergi ke peringkat PPD telah diberitahu utk close the gate after many worrisome cases - peras ugut budak skolah menengah terhadap the primary school kids, kes ceroboh, kes curi and paling dahsyat, maksiat dalam kelas. Tak padan ngan budak kecik!! Or maybe ada orang tua ke pi buat maksiat dalam kelas sekolah, tak ke huduh perangainya!!

For me, it is plain common sense. Memang baguslah tutup the gate before anything worse happens. So I seriously dont get why that parent emosi gila suh buka gate tu. I feel he may be selfish sebab tak kuasa nak pusing jauh (bukan jauh pun, seriously) utk antar anak sekolah. Satu alasan yang dia bangkitkan yang memang buat gue nak ngilai pontianak was this: "Kata 1 Malaysia, takkan budak sekolah menengah takleh gaul ngan budak sekolah rendah." Peggghhh...

Abang ingat budak2 sekarang macam budak2 zaman dulu ke? Kalau depa gaul macam adik beradik n macam perangai kanak2, takpelah. Gaul zaman sekarang dah tahap...haihhh...gelik nak sebut. Lagipun dah terbukti ada kes peras ugut from budak sekolah menengah, ko nak galakkan ke? Dapat share ke apa?

Then ada lah sorang Hamba Allah ni bangun pulak bagi ayat takde point. "Kita rakyat 1Malaysia, kenapa nak ada sekatan?" Heh?? Apa kena mengena plak dah? Masa gate tu buka pun macam2 dah jadi, and bila tutup terbukti banyak kes berkurang, lagi ko mau question?? Siap guru besar tu cakap ada kes budak pra sekolah nyaris lemas kat kolam ikan sekolah menengah, sebab tak jadi kat anak ko, that's why ko rasa lantaklah?

Then brother yang awal tadi plak tambah, "Kalau maksiat nak jadi, kat mana2 pun boleh jadi." Abis tu? Takkan ko nak biar maksiat jadi kat dalam sekolah plak. Lojik letak kat punggung ke?? Aduuuuhh...

See how exciting PIBG meetings can be? I listened and fumed, and nasib baik lah we have a great PIBG committee and the GB pun pandai menjawab. And nasib baiklah ada hamba Allah lain bangun and bangkitkan isu lain yang lebih penting. Kalau tak, jenuh nak layan manusia jenis bangkang tetap bangkang.

I feel it's better kalau the AJKs has a scripted answer for the gate issue. Kena tanya jek bagi jek jawapan tu kat tukang tanya. Kalau parents jenis persoalkan bab tu tak puas hati, silalah pindahkan anak2 korang kat sekolah yang takde gate, any dickanharry, peah and hussin pun leh selamba keluar masuk. Susah2 sangat, korang home school kan jek. Senang kan, kan, kan?



Goosebumps bila tengok ada visitor luar negara has actually "visited" this blog. I wonder what they think of it - bosan? ntah apa2? syok sendiri?

Maybe. But the truth remains. I write coz I need the space to talk about my children, and sometimes about what I do. Ramblings mostly, coz that is mostly what happen in My U!niverse, a lot of ramblings. Tak percaya? Tanyalah suami saya.

Tetiba2 teringat this person. Just because baru terjumpa. Dah lama lupa pasal dia, or what that person did to me. Malas nak layan sebenarnya eventhough what that person did was really really hurtful. Robek belakang I ni sebab kena tikam bertalu2. Haha! I have never actually "tak suka" a person sampai ke tahap nak tengok muka dia pun tak boleh, lagi plak kalau kerap terserempak. But this person, memang terserlah kehipokritan dia, so I seriously can't layan. So what I do is, wallpaper that person, as if I dont see that person. Not important pun. Coz I believe, satu, ko takkan ke mana pun with that kind of atitude. And dua, I'm getting too old to play your games, like seriously. So if you feel it is okay to step on people as you go, lantak kome lah. Kalau Tuhan rasa layak dibalas, insyaAllah akan kena. I have seen it happen to people, I have seen it happen to me (sebab sendiri pun tak betul), tengoklah larat mana ko leh tanggung ya. So there...

I love my BALLOONS!!

I really do!! Nak tunggu orang bagi for my birthday, urm, I doubt it. So pergilah beli sendiri. Tapi tidaklah sampai pergi deliver ke diri sendiri kan. Kang ingat saiko plak. Ni beli as props for one of my shoots. Disebabkan I have not a slightest idea about helium balloons, the only myth about these balloons that I have is - IT'S BLOODY EXPENSIVE! Like super mahal, macam harganya RM10 satu belon. Hahahaha... Betapa naivenya saya. These, all six, I got for only RM15++. Disebabkan all this while ingat ianya mahal, so RM15 tu berperasaan lah macam murah gitu. Ahaks!

YANG PENTING - these makes me happy today. Nampak ceria cubicleku yang makin sempit ni. Lalalalaaaa...

Jangan Ganggu Fikiran Saya please...

The blog title is already a day old. I am trying to recall them but heck, can't remember the details. Tapi yang terbaru, just happened minutes ago, is about Umaira. She was asked to come to school early today. How early? Tak reti habaq plak. But the best part is, she told Bibik to wake her up at 4am, boleh? Gila apa pergi sekolah gitu awal? As usual, Mummy pun tanya banyak lah - the what for, especially. BUt one thing about Umaira, lagi kita tanya makin perlahan her volume goes, tak kira lah if we meninggi suara or cakap tone biasa. It's like she has a please-don't-ask-me syndrome. Haiiihhh! Can be quite frustrating.

So fine, I sent her early, but not at 4am ofcourse. Sent her by 7am. It was still considered early, coz the official bell is only at 7.30am. Called her just now, nak follow up. She said, she was given a present by one of the senior teachers during assembly. So soalan susulan is "what for?". And once again she goes errr urrrmmm... SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHY SHE'S BEEN GIVEN A PRESENT? (yang Mummy pun jadi saiko sebab anak dapat hadiah pun nak stress, apakahhh??)

Ok fine, I am texting her class teacher. Hope we're getting a satisfactory answer.

(setengah jam kendian)

Al-kisah... Umaira entered some contest for Maulud Nabi in school on Saturday, and somehow, whatever she submitted tu got her to top three in her class, so dapatlah present from I think the Cikgu Ko-ko. But urm, she was the only in class that day who didn't wear her tudung (coz Mummy tak bagi coz I thought she was just fooling me. Alasan!! huhu). Malu ah!
Okay, okay, Yeayyyy to my girl!!!

Still Waiting

While I wait for hubby to pick me up from the office (he's got this exclusive story he needs to kaw tim), I thought I should just ramble a bit here. Got topic kah? Not really, at the same time, my ears are plugged with old Hindi songs, from the SRK's and the Aamir's movies. How come lah now takde good Hindi movie ek? Sigh... Layan je lah.

What to do tomorrow ya? Umaira's got sekolah ganti, she's super excited coz tomorrow ikut jadual Selasa. And Tuesdays ada science, meaning... Ada her fav teacher!! Haihhh... I don't really mind this crush of hers, asalkan tak lead to anything "messy" like dia pi berani2 tegur the teacher benda tak berkaitan belajar etc.

Dah agak dah! Baru sedap nak buka topik, abg misai dah sampai. Ok, gtg.

Apa Jek Nak Cerita...?

I've been wanting to write (alasan). Tapi our netbook is ill, suka shut down sendiri, especially when you are in the middle of writing something. Tu yang putus angin nak update. Kang tengah sedap2 taip, kapoot! Got to send to doktor Nano, my sis works at Digital Mall, so siapla adinda yaaa...

And oh, me and hubby dah pergi sekolah Umaira and spoke to the ceekgu kanan disiplin. Al-kisahnya, lepas peristiwa kena pau duit to buy sharpener tu, I gave Umaira RM5 sekeping so that she can get her music book and be done with it. Seperti biasa, I called her after school to check, dia dah start ooh aah ooh aah. Dah agak dah, mesti something went wrong. Bila tanya punya tanya, rupa2nya another girl in class (buddies to the first girl who took her two ringgit) went up to her and asked: "Ko ada duit?" (intonasi samseng ya). So Umaira ni, sebab dah diajar to say no to the first girl if she asks for money mungkin tak sure la kot if the same rule applies to this girl plak. So sudah serah duit RM5 itu dengan sesajanya. Kata budak tu nak beli sticker kucing plak dah. Ngghh!!

Memang menyirap bandung, jawa, jakarta dah kami laki bini. On Friday itself terus pegi sekolah to speak to the teacher. I think after we left, the ceekgu pi kelas Umaira and called her and the two girls. So sudahlah ditegur bagai, and ofcourse the girls tak ngaku they took her money. Bestla kan kalau buat salah leh ngaku kan.

But for me, I am glad the teacher(s) took immediate action and I pray that this thing tak berulang, not only to my daughter, tapi kepada sesiapa je lah. It's just scary bila budak2 dah tau nak tunjuk samseng. Mungkin the girls tak tau it's wrong sebab dah tengok some adults do it, manalah tau kan. Kids besau2 tu mesti meniru jek keje dia. Mungkin dia tengok kakak or abang dia dok buat, or dia sendiri pernah kena buat nothing happened to the pembuat, dia rasa benda tu tak salah. Manalah tahu... I pray besar2 esok tak jadi penyangak la korang ya...

Below, gegambar masa cuti2 raya cina yang panjang ari tu. We didn't go anywhere, just lepak rumah, keluar masuk mall, pi rumah tok Mama. Cuma ada satu hari tu, TV yang pernah menimpa Umaira (secara misteri habis) akhirnya telah meninggal dunia. So terpaksalah nyopping TV baru...

Sementara kami tengah ushar TV, Umar pun tolong "review" mana yang boleh. Sampai ke macam tu sekali. Heheheheh...

Hah!! Hamik ko. Mungkinkah Umar sedang kira pixelation pada TV ittew? Mungkin juga...

Alamak! Sudah malu besau sebab Mummy caught him in the act. Gediks!!

Me and my darling sisters, Nano and Malyn. We had dinner at Cerana, near Mama's house. Not bad food situ, service pun not bad. So yes, I am the most gelap hahahahaha...

Sedang Cuba Pengsankan Diri

I really really want to sleep early today, but I can't shut my eyes right now. I am super disturbed sebab Umaira just told me she gave two ringgit to her classmate "coz she wanted to buy a sharpener." I gave her the money in order for her to buy her music text book, but she ended up giving it to her classmate coz she asked from her. I really really hate to admit this - I can't believe Umaira is bullied in school. My girl is only in Primary One, for goodness sake! I can't help feeling helpless coz I wasn't "there" to stop her. And I hate, hate, hate to bebel to her so long. But I hope she gets it, the fact that she can't simply give other people money for no good reason. Adeh, sakit kepala..
I guess, I am just being protective coz she is still my eldest BABY. No one bullies my little girl (kecuali Mummy sahaja, dengar tu!). Huwaaaa... Am so emotional.

Huwaaa... sharpener benda sampai dua hengget ni???????

The TV Died!

Huwaaa...The TV yang memang dah nyawa2 ikan sejak it fell on Umaira almost a year ago. The kids were enjoying their morning dose of cartoon and tetiba kaput! We are as sangap as whatever right now. Tambahan, Daddy dah start kerja today,ugh! Lucky me, I have the net and stuff to translate. The kids are entertaining themselves with their own kids stuff - main doktor-doktor and now main masak-masak, little junior masterchef wannabes, bak kata Ulfa.

So what new TV we have to get (have to ya, I already missed American Idol last nite, ingat nak qada' siang ni)? I am actually not too keen about plasmas or LCDs (beza pun tak tahu hehehehe). I still prefer the pregnant type of tele. Satu, murah (cheapskate!) and dua tahan lama (double cheapskate!). Lantaklah orang nak kata not up to date etc, it's not that I have people coming to the house just to watch my TV hehehehe... We shall see what's practical. But knowing Daddy, he might opt for the slim teles like everybody else, bummer!

And hopefully tomorrow I get to meet with the BENdits. Yey! Though we meet up "daily" on email, termasuk sorang tu yang memang ku ngadap muka dia hari2 kat opis heheheh, tapi lebih bermakna kalau dapat jumpa bertentang mata, tak gitu?

Just now, Umar the pelat yoboy membebel to the sisters sebijik intonasi Mummy, tapi guna kepelatannya lah. Gila kelakor. Nak cerita balik pun tak reti. Tak padan dengan seluar bawah perut, lagi mahu ngomel macam Mummy ya...

And another thing, I am not looking forward to the end of this long lovely week! I have enjoyed and still enjoying the any-time I get to gomol my children. Huwaaa... I will miss them more than I miss my TV (heh????). Ok lah.

Dear brother...

A friend posted a doa for her late only brother on FB just now, terus teringat my late only brother. He passed away when he was 19 years old, in 1999. In an accident that happened in Gurun, Kedah at almost midnite. It was heartbreaking, especially for my parents, who lost their only son. I lost my only brother. Macam mimpi. Baru usik dia sebab nak balik hostel tapi bau bukan main wangi, macam nak jumpa awek. Little that I knew then that he was going to meet a better "awek", his Creator.

I am not trying to be emotional about the tragedy now, eventhough I miss him so dearly. Tapi, alangkah meriahnya hidup if he's still around. My children would love him as much as they love their aunty Malyn and Asu. And what more this year, we have a wedding to do. Tentu2 he will play a bigger role in the planning. And most probably, I will have nephews or nieces berbinkan Azlan. How nice!

So here's to my darling brother, Azlan Abdul Hadi. Al-fatihah, and akak doakan Lan ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang disayangi Allah SWT. Amin!

Where's My Rain?

Not the singer (remember, "Hai, nama saya Rain"?). Saya rindukan hujan sebab saya suka cuaca dingin. It rained Sunday and Monday, and semalam dah start ada matahari, and today, sangat terik! To be fair, baguslah ada matahari ni utk kawasan2 yg sedang banjir (my heart and doa goes out to you), tapi untuk household yang bil letrik menyinga saban bulan, I want the rain to stop us from using aircond. Valid tak?

Ok, sepatutnya today can do some kerja mengecat for our gate. But padan muka we ols, coz our fav hardware store is closed early for the CNY big dinner tonite. No paint, no paint lah like dat.

Yes, yes this is just ramblings. It's just too hot to think of anything worthy to write. I better stop now.
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