Welcome 2010!!
Did I mention that Umar has to diet coz he's already 15kg??? Yes, doc adviced that we control his food. I know for a fact that bibik dok feed dia susu non stop. Sebotol penuh boleh habis, and he can ask for another right after and the bibik will make him one. And second botol pun boleh habis. Mana tak bam2? And he doesnt only rely on susu ya, makan nasi tetap makan nasi woooh...He's now heavier than Ulfa, boleh? Aduuuuhhh...
School holiday is almost over. Isnin ni Umaira is going back to Krista. Ulfa belum dihantar ke sekolah, she will only start kindy when Umaira masuk darjah satu. As for Umar, until he is potty trained, then we can talk about school. As for now, kena control makan and terima gomolan mummy daddy dia sampai dia dah besar. Hehehehe...
That's Mummy's new year's resolution for the kids...
year end
updates...It is the school holiday. Umaira is done with her K1 session, will move on with K2 next month/year. And it is her graduating year before she enters primary school. Cepatnya anak mummy membesar. What she's doing at home? Takes care of the little ones. She amuses them with her "classes", have been teaching to draw and colour. And like last night, she was excited to show me how she cleaned up the "work area" after they play. Good girl!
Tok Lang passed away, on 11th December 2009. He is my paklang, and all of us went back to Guar Chempedak to pay respects. We were supposed to go to PD for tok mama's family gathering tapi tak jadi la kan. The good thing out of it, the kids get to see Keisha and Aleyya again and get to bond with Deena. Seronok tengok kenit2 tu main. They treated Umaira macam baby...and Ulfa siap kena dukung. Bebel kenit kecik tu sebab tak puas hati kena dukung. "Ulfa dah besarlah mummy." Given that Keisha and Aleyya are the only child in their family, paham sangatlah kan keinginan nak ada adik tu kan.
And...How do you explain to your child, kenapa her uncle is holding hands with another woman? Yes... Sungguh keliru!
Disney comes to Krista
(Darn, baru call rumah. semua pun tidur...)
And we will be maidless next week, and luckily, Daddy can take the whole week off (sebab cuti dia melimpah ruah) to take care of the kids. Meaning, no more maid headache drama for me, for at least a week, yay!! And as such, I got to be the bibik again. I don't mind coz I miss having the house to myself once more.
BTW, Ulfa sudah pandai main gunting untuk "barber" her hair ya. Bertuah sungguh. Patutlah Mummy tengok rambut dia makin layered. It looks good actually sebab she doesn't have that da*n straight hair like Umaira. Hers has soft curls at the end. So she kinda look chic (must take pictures!). What I'm worried is her playing with the gunting ofcourse. Mana dia dapat in the first place coz I always keep sharp things high and unreachable. And what is my maid doing all the while??? Sheeshhh...Selain jadi hairdresses diri sendiri, Ulfa turut mem-barber rambut Umar ya. Ada lah dua tiga "lubang" kat kepala. Aduuuuuhhh....On the bright side, it saves me from hair cut fees (yeah rite!).
My Very Own Ed Westwick
He tried so hard to keep up with me, little Umar I mean. Sampai ke satu tahap (11.20pm rasanya) he just couldnt open his little eyes. Bila dia suh gosok his back, he was standing up. Tak lama kemudian, Mummy yang terlalu asyik dengan abg/adik Bass itu tak sedar anak teruna dah terlentuk kat tangan. And he was still standing up. My poor baby...
So melepaslah little Bass nak tengok gelagat poyo Chak Best kat Quickie. Bagus pun, taknaklah dia terikut2 kepoyoannya itu...Haha!
Ayat power Umaira baru2 ini, when I called her from office just for a chat...
"Mummy, can I say goodbye now? Nak tengok CD..." Sabar je lah..!!
Raya, Raya, Raya...
Menariknya raya tahun ni, we went back to Tganu, daddy's hometown pagi raya itself. Meaning, we had our raya in our own house for the first time ever. Which was interesting. Left home around 10.30am and reached umah tok at 4pm. Not bad huh? Tak perlu tempoh trafik jam yg ntah apa2 tu. phew!
Mambo Italiano ala Umaira
Girls' Night Out!
Studying her spelling; mirror mirror on the wall; her cheesy food!; I dont know why she's making faces hehehee...
Mummy trying to cheer herself up; Me and my eldest.
Umaira drew a lot of things to cheer Mummy up. Thank you love!
And here's Umaira at the concourse, what lovely kampung set-up they have. Way better than the one at The Curve. This one looks more authentic. But the bahulu seller there is a rip-off! We bought one big bekas of bahulu and the pics on it showed, got choc rice in it. But tengok dari the kuih macam tak de, so I asked the girl (foreigner) to double check. She said ada. But later, the kids tried it bahulu kosong rupanya! So me being ME, went back to her gerai and confronted her. She was like, "Oh, Saya tak tahu apa2, saya tolong jual saja..." What lar? You jual also must know maaaa... Memang I gave se-zasss, and blah. Hmmm..gitulah...
Ultra Cute-ness
This is my second daughter, Khadeja Ulfa, who was born on May 1st, 2006; 1010pm. Yes, she's our Labour Day baby and she was born 3.78kg! I remembered Dr Idris (gynae to all my children, and my youngest sister, ehem) said, "Oh, baby besar..." during labour. Imagine! I thought something was wrong ke apa, panik kejap. Rupa2nya my little girl lahir bam bam, macam budak dah sebulan kat dunia. After about 3 pushes, keluar kenit muka daddy (jugak). Hehe...Now that she's three, you can distinguishly tell that she's different than her sister Umaira. She's our manja girl, and despite dah ada adik, still macam baby. She can wink with both eyes, and can give you melting smiles. She learns spelling from Umaira. She speaks fluently by two. When she's upset, she will make your heart robek with her "broken" face. But when she shows tantrum, you can't help getting angry but afterwards peluk gomoi dia. She is daddy's girl. Her daddy kisses her most (selain Mummy ofcourse hehe). She loves giving you kisses. Her "gig" whenever I leave home to work is: "Mummy salam. (salam). Mummy kiss (kisses her on the lips). Mummy peluk. (hugs her tightly)." This must-do-or-you-can't-leave-home-without-seeing-her-mengamuk routine is one of the highlights of the day. Without it, memang akan rasa lebih rindu and tak keruan.
I can't wait to go home to my darlings...
Pesan Anakanda...
Tetapi today juga, I wont be able to iftar at home. Mummy's got event in Tarbush, Sunway Pyramid with the cover girls. And Mummy is also the emcee with Aunty Nana. Cold feet, cold fingers you name it, Mummy's got it. Yes dearies, Mummy is not superwoman or bionic..Hehehee..
So this morning, the girls said: "Mummy jangan balik siang, balik malam okay..." Adakah ia satu perlian atau dorongan? You tell me....
School Holiday in Ramadhan!
At this moment, Daddy is home taking care of them. After the maid commotion last weekend, we are better off without one. I have never met the laziest most ngelat maid in my life, and believe me, I grew up with maids, so does my children. But the one sent for us memang nightmare for 4 days. We sent her back last night.
So here we are, maidless again, but happier. Ofcourse, we have tomorrow to think about. Poor dearies, I wish Mummy is a superwoman who can work and take care of you guys...
Tonight, taking them to Chili's for their ultimate favourite cheese pizza and mac and cheese. More cheese? Bring it on!
Road Trip - Pasir Putih, KTganu and Awana Kijal
1. Umar ready to go to masjid. 2. Umaira in her fav baju kurung. 3. Ulfa who now hates being photographed, getting cranky. 4. Kids with mummy.
7. It's raining! 8. Daddy and his kids. 9. Lovely! 10. The girls at the beach. 11. Kaki dompot Umar
What a life... :)